11 - They Won't Expect the Unexpected

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Nick arrived back at the tavern on Thursday.

"Will," he explained, "You and the Woodflyn's are coming with me. Now."

"But why all of us?" Crissy asked, already pulling the bags out of the cupboard.

"Because they've been following us, Crissy," Nick helped to throw Gilbert's clothes in a suitcase, exchanging a look with Crissy, "They've been following me and now you're in danger."

"Where will we go?" Trish asked.

"I'm taking you all to the main Witch Hunter Camp in Russia," Nick shoved a bag at Will, "This is all the stuff from your place, Will."

"You went to my place?" Will blinked rapidly and opened the bag to see his dark jeans and t-shirts haphazardly thrown in. And, most astoundingly, wrapped in one of his shirts, was his Dad's coffee cup. Will's eyebrows furrowed. He had been told that there was no way to get his things because his place was being watched. He had been borrowing Gilbert's clothing for the few days he was with the Woodflyn's.

"At a great cost, so you're welcome," Will blinked at the man as his eyes were drawn to the abrasions on Nick's knuckles and what looked like a burn mark up his arm. He must have been attacked by a fire witch.

"Let's go, no time to dilly-dally," Crissy clapped her hands, startling Will from his thoughts. Everyone grabbed their bags and rushed to the people mover outside.

"I'll meet you at the airport," Nick said, his hand landing on the gun in his waistband, "Make sure you're not followed."

"Everyone get in," Crissy nodded at Nick as she slid into the drivers seat, Will hurrying to join his cousins in the back seat, who were surprisingly compliant with the pace that everything was happening. Nick gave the car a pat and the grey people mover pulled out of the driveway. Will watched as Nick pulled out his gun and disappeared behind the building. The car was eerily silent as they sped down the street.

"Hang on," Will recalled, "Did he say we're going to the Witch Hunter Camp in Russia? The place where the main Witch fortress thing is and where I got cursed in the first place?"

"Yup," Crissy nodded, focus unwavering from the road. She seemed less peppy to Will, if peppy was even the right word to use, Will wasn't sure. But something was definitely off about her. From the middle seat, Will snuck a glance at each of his cousins. Trish was devoid of her usual smile and even Gilbert seemed more surly, if that was even possible.

"There is more to this Russia thing than you are telling me, isn't there?" Will fought the urge to cross his arms like a stubborn child. He watched Crissy's face in the rearview mirror as her eyes closed and she took a deep breath. 

"There is more," Gilbert confirmed gruffly, "But now is not the time to share." A wave of anger crossed over Will. He was starting to get sick and tired of other people deciding when was and when was not a good time to tell him things. Here he was with his 'family' who he didn't even know ever existed and who apparently didn't know he existed for the last fourteen years. Who were they to decide to keep things from him? He wasn't a toy or a puppet to be used only when they wanted. He didn't care that they wanted to drip feed him information. Will wanted to know and he would know.

"There is never a good time with you people," Will spat at them, "I don't know what your deal is, but this bullshit of sporadic information needs to stop. How am I supposed to trust you all if you can't tell me-"

"Our dad died," Gilbert interrupted, his voice low and flat. Will's anger dissipated in a second as he looked around the car. The other occupants never even glanced at him, all in their own worlds.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2021 ⏰

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