5 - Some Things Explained

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"Please explain," Will managed to sound calmer than he felt. Crissy had lead the group upstairs and ushered them into a brightly coloured study. While Lisa, Nick and Lily sat comfortably on the large lounge, Will and Crissy sat opposite one another on the matching armchairs, the coffee table separating them. 

Crissy leaned forward, clasping her hands in front of her, "I know this may be a bit of a shock-"

"No kidding," Will frowned, "My mother never told me I had other family."

Crissy smiled sadly, "Yes, your mother and I never did get on."

"Why were you looking for me?" Will recalled.

"That's a long story, Will," Crissy started, sighing resignedly. 

"Well that's not the first time I've heard that tonight," Will looked pointedly over to the silent trio who were doing their best to look uninterested in the conversation.

Crissy managed a chuckle as she followed his gaze, "Yes, I suppose these three wouldn't have explained anything," She stood from her chair and began pacing in the space behind it, "I'm not sure how to start this conversation," she stopped suddenly and looked at Will with an unscrutianable expression, "How much do you know about your father?"

Will shrugged, "Not much. He disappeared when I was four. My Mother didn't talk about him much."

Crissy nodded and sat back down, "Then I guess I'll start from the beginning," she got comfortable on her chair, "Will, what do you know about monsters?"

Will frowned in confusion, "Like serial killers and psychopaths?"

"Not exactly," Crissy shook her head, "I'm talking about real monsters, Vampires, Werewolves and Witches."

"Nothing much," Will shrugged, "They're not real."

"That's where you're wrong," Nick piped up.

"What?" Will was beginning to think these people were deluded.

"I know it sounds strange," Crissy tried to reassure him, "but it's true. Those monsters and many more are real."

"And they all want to kill humans," Nick added.

"Pfft," Will scoffed, "You don't really expect me to believe this do you?" he leant back in his chair, "This is just some kind of practical joke."

"It's true," Crissy insisted, but Will just rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, cause stating adamantly that something is true definitely makes this crazy theory more believable," Will said sarcastically. 

Lisa leaned forward, "Look, kid," she growled venomously, "You don't have to like it, but you do have to accept it cause, like it or not, this is your life now. The whole supernatural world is going to be after you because of your dead-beat-dad and you need to be prepared for the shit storm that's coming." Will was taken aback at her ferocity. 

Crissy tried to calm the situation, "What Lisa is so uneloquently trying to say," she threw a pointed glare in the womans direction before looking Will in the eyes, "is that you are in danger."

"From monsters?" Will was still sceptical. 

Crissy sighed, "I know this is a lot to thrust on you, but it has to be done. There are things in this world that have only ever been written about in legends, things others have been called crazy for having seen. I know it is a lot to process and take in, but I have to get you up to speed as quickly as possible because, as Lisa said, you are in danger." Will moved his gaze to look everyone in the eyes. They honestly believed what they were telling him. This was crazy.

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