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Tony finally rejoined the other birds with Jimmy behind him. Abby and Luci smirk and share looks. Tony received a Gibbs smack for keeping them waiting.

"Boss," McGee frowned, looking at his handheld. "Tony was right." Tony snatched it from his hands and read it quickly.

10 years ago, Brown bought wing belts. Over the past 10 years Maggie mad multiple calls to help hotlines, but always hung up when she connected. Maggie Harker doesnt exist, but the description matches a 12 year old who went missing, Amy Kapler.

He pushed it back and swallowed softly, "I'm going to be sick." He found a trash can and up came lunch. Jimmy went over with Abby, and the rubbed his back.

"What?" Hooper asked, peering at the device.

"She was abused by her husband," Gibbs answered. "I want him in interrogation in 30 minutes." He barked.

"Dont be hasty. Her toxicology reports show elevated levels of anti-depressants," Ducky said.

"I dont care. He abused her," Gibbs growled and stalked off.


Tony sat across from Brown, tapping the table with one hand, propping his head on the other. The whole of the MCRT was on the other side, Jimmy, Abby, and Gibbs right in front. Tony sighed and checked the time. He was getting off soon, but he was not going to leave until Brown admits what he did.

"Wing belts are illegal," he starts.

"I never bought wing belts," Brown insists.

Tony laughed humorlessly and gave a look that pierced Brown's soul, "that's bullshit. You dont seem upset your wife is dead."

"What are you saying, agent?"

"Captain," Tony corrects. "But, that aside. We used a photo program, looked through databases." He slid a paper over. "Maggie Harker doesnt exist aside from your marriage. You bought an angel who was kidnapped 13 years ago. She was 24 when she died. You bought and eloped with a 13 year old girl. That's pedophilia, aiding in kidnapping, aiding in suicide, murder, abuse, rape, rape of a minor, purchase of illegal products, and binding of an angel."

"I want a lawyer," Brown spit.

"Sure. One more thing," Tony nodded and took his tags off. Browns jaw dropped.

"Hers never looked like that..."

"Thats because you repeatedly broke her bones, bound her wings, and didnt get the proper products for feathers," Tony sneered. "I hope you rot in jail for the rest of your life," He left the room, anger running hot. Jimmy swallowed next to Abby.

"Hot, right?" She nudged him.

"Yeah," he murmered breathlessly.

Abby snorted softly, "go." She nudged him away to the door. Jimmy didnt need to be told twice. He found Tony on the roof, the first place he checked. He sat next to the bird and grabbed his hand.

"Hey," he murmered.

"Hey," Tony gave his hand a gentle squeeze. Jimmy rests his head on Tony's shoulder, a wing wrapping around him.

"Your wings are warm," he noticed, scooting closer. Tony hummed and wrapped his wing tighter around him. "Are you ok?"

"No," Tony mumbled, turning and kissing the top of Jimmy's head.

"Wanna talk about it?" He offered after kissed the others hand.

"I miss Kate," he said softly. "Really really miss her."

"We all do," Jimmy sighed sadly.

"I deploy for a mission in 2 days. I got the news a few minutes before you came up," Tony admits.

Jimmy swallowed, "oh. How long?"

"Rescue mission. We got a bead on three stranded men. Shouldnt be gone more than a week," Tony replied with a frown.

Jimmy pushed off his sadness, "Something else is bothering you though."

"I dont wanna leave yet," Tony shifted to look at Jimmy before kissing him lightly. He gave a quiet smile as he pulled back.

Jimmy smiled back, "good. I'm not ready for you to leave either." Tony chuckled gently and kissed him again.

His next words, when they pull back, make both freeze, "I think I'm in love with you."


Tony secured his top and sat to pull on his boots. It was early, too early for anyone to function, yet here he was. 0300 blared in red from his alarm clock. It was set to go off at 0500 and wake up Jimmy.

He looked at the sleeping male and cooned. The blue comforter was around his waist, his naked torso shadowed in some type of picturesque way by the lights outside and alarm. He took a photo before finishing his preparations.

Tony tightened his shoelace and grabbed his pack. He paused in the door and snuck back, giving Jimmy a quick peck. He left silently after and met his team on the airfield.

"Progress check," he said, looking over them. Each were wide awake in full gear, packs by their feet, and wings folded agaisnt their backs.

"Packed and ready to fly out," all say, Tony gives a satisfied nod.

"Good. Use the bathroom now. We arent landing until we're on the carrier," he nodded and they went to follow command. He trails after, silently worried.


Jimmy woke up to a cold bed. The alarm was chirping annoyingly and he turned it off.

Its 5 am. Where the hell is Tony?

"The mission," he murmured to himself. He got ready for work and he tried and failed not to cry on the way. What a love sick fool he is.

He changed into his greens at the building and smiled softly at Ducky as he entered the room.

"Are you alright, Jimmy?" He questioned in a fatherly way.

"Perfect! Why wouldnt I be?" Jimmy wasnt sure if the others knew he was on a mission. Tony's been known to go off without telling anyone before.

"Anthony, my dear boy. He's on a mission," he frowned at him.

Jimmy swallowed as he looked at the father like figure, "he didnt say goodbye."

"Ah. He left at 0330."

"I just hope he's safe," Jimmy sniffled and cleared his throat. "What do want me to do, Doctor?"

He couldn't answer before Gibbs was walking in with a scowl, "where is he?"

"Who!?" Jimmy squeaked.

"Tony," Gibbs snapped almost cruelly.

"He didnt tell me where, hes in a search and rescue," Jimmy raised his hand over his head incase of a physical blow. There was a deep sigh and Gibbs walked away.

"Its alright, Jimmy. He's gone," Ducky soothed and Jimmy lowered his arms.

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