Chapter 4

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"I'm not a lier I swear " I say to Daphne "like I have time to spread rumours about Dracos father!"
"I know I know I believe you, but Draco doesn't" Daphne says
"I know I'm going to get him to believe me...somehow"

I walk into the Slytherin common room and see Draco sitting I front of the fire...he looks....upset.
Something I thought I would never see is Draco Malfoy upset over something.

"What are you doing here Waters" he looks up and stares at me with his pale blue eyes and platinum blonde hair that lays over his forehead
"I just wanted to-"
"No you filthy little snake, spreading rumours about my father."
"Draco that's what I wanted to say, I never spread rumours about your father...infact I think my parents worked with your father...yes, I never knew my parents but I know a lot about them including they where friends with the malfoys...that's why I recognised your name you see...Im not that mean to do that to you Draco."

He stares at me for what seems like a century...he turns around and sits back by the fire with his head in his hands...I feel sorry for the boy...I know I shouldn't from the way he acts but I feel like he doesn't mean the things he he has to live up to the malfoy expectations of being cruel and mean.

I walk over and sit on the other side of the sofa from the boy  "you know...I'm sorry for the mean things I say back to you...after you say things to me I get angry and I can't control it."
"I'm not, your just a girl that has joined hogwarts that associate with those muggles and filthy  mudbloods"
"Draco you don't have to be this mean! You made poor Hermione who is such a lovely girl feel terrible on the train!" I stand from my seat and slightly raise my voice.
" Don't you understand Waters?!...I'm a family reputation is like this and I'm not being the one to ruin it!"
We are both standing I front of the fire and becoming heated at each other.
"I have no choice..." Draco says quietly and slums back on the sofa with his head in his hands.
"Everyone has a choice's if they choose to make that choice or not..."
I grab my bag and start to walk out the room when I hear-
"Bryn." His voice cracking
"How do I make that choice?"
"That's for you to find out and make the effort" I say still facing the door, I grab the handle and walk out the common room down to my dorm

"Bryn where have you been? Class finished an hour ago" Pansy says as I drop my bag on the floor and walk towards my bed
"Oh- I was um studying in the common room for a bit" I say not wanting to say I was with Draco in case he gets mad at me for saying I spoke to him after class.
"Right well we are going to Diagon alley tomorrow for you to get your Hogwarts pet!"
I'm not to keen on fact when I was young a squirrel fell out a tree and landed on my head and ever since I've hated animals.
"Mhmmm fun" I say not amused
"Cheer up Waters what got you in the dumps"
"Nothing nothing it will be fun, I'm going to go to sleep now...I'll se you in the morning"

I wonder if Draco will change and did take in anything I said...he probably won't, he's a malfoy...but maybe, just maybe.

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