Chapter 6

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Me and Draco walk into the quidditch shop and he walks towards the slytherin jumpers.
Draco grabs one of the jumpers hanging up on the rail "you getting one?" He asks
"Oh no I'm not on the quidditch team, I would rather revise"
"Oh so we have a book worm here do we?" A smile tugging on his face
"Well, I wouldn't say that, I just would prefer to chill out in the common room with a textbook"
"Mhmmm so a book worm"
"Fine a 'book worm' then "
He walks towards the paying till and pays while I look around the shop.
"Come on book worm!" He shouts and walks out the door
I walk out after him and it's pouring with rain and I'm only wearing a sweatshirt.
"Your kidding!...I'm going to get soaked! "
"You'll be fine have this" he pulls me his jumper he just brought from the shop and hands it to me "but you just-"
"Just wear the damn thing until I change my mind"
I throw the jumper on which is way to many sizes to big but comfortable and warm.
"Don't mention it" he interrupts
"Wait where is everyone they have been gone ages" I whine
"I'm going to the leaky cauldron to get butterbeer you coming?" He looks over his shoulder
"Yeah yeah "


"So tell me more about the famous Draco Malfoy then" I giggle
"Well yes it is quite hard being this good looking and being as famous as I am you see" he smiles
"Good looking? Oh please! I'm way more better looking" I claim
"Hmmm I beg to differ" he smirks
"You know, your not as bad as I thought you where malfoy"
"Well...what can I say, I don't talk to a lot of people"
"Misunderstood for sure"
"You could say that" he shrugs

I sip my butterbeer and catch him staring at me...
Is there something on my face? Have I gotten his new jumper wet?
" what?" I say worriedly
"Nothing nothing, the jumper looks good on you"
"Oh...well it is yours so thanks I guess"

"OOOOOOO you guys on a little date!" Goyle shouts from across the room.
Draco sighs and I look down silently "shut up you idiot!" Draco yells "come on love birds we are going back to the common room!" Yells Daphne
Draco gets up and grabs his bag and walk towards them, goyle and crabe laughing at him and pushing him about.

"Sorry guys" I say to Daphne and pansy
"No it's two looked like you where having a moment there...anything to tell us?"
"Nothing" I shrug
"Well not to mention your wearing his quidditch jumper" Daphne points
"Oh that's nothing he gave it to me because it was raining"
"Mhm whatever you say Bryn"
I laugh at her comment and walk out the leaky cauldron
When we all got back from diagon alley we all hung out in the common room,me and Draco getting on fine which was a shock, but good at the same time the last thing I want is drama.

Im slumped in the common room studying potions with the fire still on and no one els in the room, my owl on a perch beside the fire.
I hear the fort open but I don't think nothing of it and have my head inside the text book remembering notes.
"Thought you would be here book worm" Draco jumps over the back of the sofa and lands right next to me.
"Hm?....oh hey."
"Potions? Again?, get your head out the book Waters" he grabs the top of the book and lowers it down onto his lap.
"Sorry, what's the time? I didn't realise no one was here."
"You have been down here for hours Bryn" he chuckles.
"Yeah, I'm tired as heck" I mumble and lean my head back against the sofa. "How did you know I was here?" I ask
"Well, today, you told me you spend your free time in the common room like a nerd"
"Oh righ- ...I am no nerd...I just prefer studying malfoy...maybe you should try it, I've seen you in potions."
"Yeah yeah whatever book worm"
I smile at the name and hear a light chuckle next to me.
My head slowly leans back onto the sofa and my eyes get heavy, Draco talks to me about how he isn't failing potions even when I know he is.

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