Chapter 5

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"Bryn get up! The boys are waiting for us down stairs! " Daphne yells while lobbing a pillow at my head.

I pull myself out of bed with great difficulty, I hate mornings, I'm more of a night person with the darkness
I brush my teeth and get dressed into a slytherin sweatshirt and black jeans and get my hair out of the messy bun I had in last night...that will do.

"Wait did you say boys are waiting?" I ask confused
"Yes...malfoy asked if crabe and goyle and him could come this morning...since you missed breakfast"

"Oh right okay"

I grab my bag and run out the dorm following after the girls

"Okay so Me and Daphne need to get a new wand since we accidentally sat on them in Snapes class and goyle and crabe need to get more books for that leaves Bryn and Draco to go get her pet" Pansy speaks
I gulp at the thought of me and malfoy going off together alone...would he kill me? No of course not stop being stupid ...or- no stop he wouldn't kill me...I hope.

"Seriously, I gotta go get Waters a bloody fun" he rolled his eyes and walks towards the pet building.
I give Daphne a look and she gives me a sympathetic smile. I start walking towards Draco and his way to bright blonde hair

"Take your pick Jane" Draco says as we get into the building. There are many animals in the building...but there's only one more's brown with black specks of fathers on his back with dark brown eyes.
I walk towards him and he does a light chirp and flys towards me in the cage.
"Hello little owl" I poke my finger threw the cage and stroke the feathers the bird does a light chirp and doesn't try to bite.
"What are you like one with birds now?" Draco creeps up behind me.
"No...I actually hate animals...but this little guy seems alright"
"Mhm looks similar to mine"
"Yours? You have an owl too?"
" father got him for me on my eleventh birthday"
"Oh right so your father isn't always a prick?" I chuckle
Draco lightly chuckles at the comment "well,no just in the last 2 years, since my mother died..."
"Your mother died?...I-I'm sorry to hear" I turn around and look at him and he's looking on the floor with his hands in his pockets.
" ones knows so if you tell anyone Waters I'll curse you I swear-"
"I'm not going to tell anyone you toss's not my information to tell anyway...your business not mine" I shrug
"Anyway get your bird and let's go" he starts to walk away but I grab his arm " know I'm always here for you to talk to"
He turns around and looks down at me holding his arm, he doesn't try to push me away...he just gives me a slight nod "get the bird Waters" he walks away and out of sight.

I walk out the pet shop and open the cage to my bird, he gets the cage in his beak and flys off with the cage to the castle.
"The others don't seem to be out yet and I need a new quidditch jumper so we are doing that" Draco states
"Like I have a choice..." I say quietly
"What was that Waters?"
"Oh nothing...just how very excited I am to get you a new jumper" I say with sarcasm
"You know Waters, You got attitude"
"I know...but there's no fun if I don't" I shrug
I hear a light chuckle from next to me.

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