Chapter Fifteen

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It's been a full week since my shower breakdown. A full week of avoiding Savannah and Daniel and literally anyone that saw my humiliation. It's been hard avoiding everyone but I did it. They've been coming into work most nights but Elena always takes their tables so I don't have to and I'm eternally grateful.

I'm in the stands at the second game of the year, sandwiched between Zoey and Ronnie again. Their screams ringing in my ear as our team heads into another touchdown. The crowd on their feet. Cheering like their lives depended on it.

I'm not working tonight because I pulled a double yesterday and Matt let me have tonight off to finally see the football game that everyone from the entire university has apparently come to see.

The second game of the season finishes in a win on our end and everyone hurries down the steps and disperse to do their own thing, still talking about how great the game was.

"So..." Zoey chimes in. A mischievous look in her eyes. "I may have said that we were going the football house party tonight." I whip my head in her direction, obviously not hearing that right. She winces and grabs my hand.

"What? Why? Why would you say that? Who did you say it to?" I ramble on. She knew I wouldn't want to go there.

"Luke." Another wince and a squeeze to my hand.

"Luke? No, Zoey, I'm not going." I told them both about what happened after they left last Friday night and they were appalled but now I guess Zoey doesn't care about my public crucifixion done by her new group of such "amazing friends." Zoey's words, not mine.

"If you're not going neither am I," Ronnie adds leaning forward to address both of us.

"What? Then I have no one to go with," Zoey whines. They bicker back and forth across my lap but I put my hand up between them so they can't see each other.

"No, you guys go. I'm gonna head back to the dorm. I'm feeling a little sick anyway." I stand before I'm even thinking about it.

"Wait, you're not serious? Come on," Zoey shrieks.

"Yes, I am," I add.

"No, Liv. Don't make me go without you." Ronnie looks up at me with a pleading face. I don't want to make her go but it would be good for her to get out more. This entire week she has stayed in with me because she has felt bad about leaving on Friday night and not being there to defend me from Savannah.

I think she just blames herself and I don't want that. She's too nice for her own good. Plus, I really do need some alone time, I've been feeling sick for days and could use the quiet dorm for myself.

"Ronnie, you are going and you'll have fun, trust me. You both will have fun," I assure and give them a pointed look that says not to argue with me. I pat Ronnie's arm and sling my bag over my shoulder.

The crowded stands of people have long dispersed so there aren't many people around. My guess is that they are making their way to the parties or waiting for the football team to get out from the showers after the game.

The three of us walk to the carpark and head in separate ways with a lot of reluctance on Ronnie's end. She really didn't want to leave me and it gives me a sense of butterflies from the love I'm getting from her.

Zoey and I rarely show love to each other so it feels different to experience it from another close friend of mine.

Zoey doesn't have a hard time leaving me at all as she drags a whining Ronnie behind her off into the direction of all the people yelling out and laughing, getting all excited for the festivities to begin.

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