Chapter NINE

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Kirby Carter

It's still dark outside when you stir awake beneath the expensive hotel linens.. The Viking's breathing is steady and slow as he lays beside you..

You sit up slowly turning to look at him.. He looks peaceful and calm, relaxed.. His face is turned away from you, but with the comforter pulled down to his narrow tattooed hips, just barely covering his masculinity, he is beautiful.. The muscles of his bare chest rise and fall rhythmically, on full display..

You consider reaching out to touch him, only for the briefest moment.. But that would be foolish.. So, instead you slide carefully out of bed and tip-toe out to the living room, quickly slipping into your skirt..

You can't find your bra and the viking tore up your underwear, so you go without, tugging the white button down on and tucking it in neatly at the waist.. You pick up your shiny leather heels and handbag, treading softly over to the door..

A notepad and pen embossed with the hotel insignia on the side table in the entry, catch your eye..

You pause.. Last night with the viking had been more than incredible.. You had watched sports, talked about silly things, laughed and shared a meal, drank too much bourbon and had the most amazing sex of your life..

Five times..

You lost track of how many orgasms he gave you around number eight or nine and then you had both fallen asleep, exhausted, sometime between two and four in the morning..

You pick up the weighty black pen and in your tiny neat print, you leave the viking a message..

Even if the world isn't perfect, last night was..
K. x'

You smile as you sign off the note 'K' - for Kirby..

He might never know your name, but he can at least have that..

You take one last look around the suite before slipping out the door, closing it behind you with a soft click..


The sun is rising as you make your way out of the hotel and back onto the street.. Your head throbs a little, a souvenir from last night's drinking..

Totally worth it.

You smile to yourself as you head back in the direction of Dan's Diner, people are beginning to emerge from their apartments, the street growing busier with each step you take.. You always enjoyed the anonymity of a big city..

Nobody knows who you are, what you did last night.. Or the fact that you're not wearing any underwear..

Okay, maybe that last part they can see for themselves.. But the rest.. The rest is yours to know..

Your so close to the diner now you can practically smell the caffeine you so desperately need when your phone rings.. You dig through your clutch to fish it out, catching sight of yourself in a shop window and wincing..

You make an effort to smooth your hair back into place as you answer the call..

"Kirbz! GoOoOoOod morning!" Your sister's bubbly voice rings in your ear, a touch too loud, you pull the receiver back a few inches..

"Mmm, morning, Luck.. You're up early.." She always is, your sister is the most energetic person on the planet, she is fizzy like soda, while you on the other hand.. Well you're more like the vodka.. Harsh..

You have no idea where she gets it from.. Maybe from you sheltering her from the terrible things you've seen and the awful people you know.. Something you are beginning to feel as though you can't keep up forever..

Your chest aches and your heart deflates at the thought of telling her you have to move.. Again..

"Oh, I have class in an hour so I kind of have to be, but it's a beautiful day out.. Listen Kirby, there is something I wanted to talk to you about.."

You reach the door of the diner and stop.. There's something you need to talk to her about too.. "Lucky, is everything okay?" Anxiety rises in your throat..

"Yeah, yes I'm fine.. It's nothing bad.. Actually.. It's kind of amazing.. Could we do dinner tonight, so I can tell you about it?.." She sounds so happy... And so hopeful..

Your first thought is, what amazing thing could this be?

Your second thought quickly quashes the first.. Tonight?

You wanted to be gone by tonight.. Every minute longer you are in the city, the closer to being caught you become..

But that happiness in her voice is so rare, and you can't bear to take it away.. You just can't..

"Um, yeah.. Yeah okay.. I'll see you tonight.."

As you hang up the phone, you realise this is going to be a whole lot harder than you thought..

Skipping the coffee, you decide to head straight home and get into packing for the day.. You only make it through packing three boxes of your closet before you fall asleep in a pile of clothes..

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