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Kirby Carter

You are jostled from side to side in the backseat of a car.. The heavy dark fabric hood that is covering your face clinging to your mouth and nose, almost suffocates you with each breath..

Your whole body burns and aches all over and with each and every movement, tearing at your stitches across your lower belly, causing a new world of pain..

When Darby had showed up in the hospital room, you could have sworn it was a hallucination from the drugs.. Because the things he threatened to do were just so abhorrent..

So cowardly and low.. You just knew he hadn't been playing around.. He was serious..

You're sweet baby's life was on the line.. What else could you do.. You had no choice but to give into him..

You see now you never did.. He was always going to do this, and in a way, at least you were able to protect your family in the end..

You're going to die.. You know that.. But somehow, some way, you feel strangely relieved.. Because this whole vendetta dies along with you..

It will finally be over..

Your sister.. Your baby.. They will both be safe with you gone, and Lacey had confirmed your suspicions about her brother..

He would look after them all once you are gone.. You know he will.. You can finally be done..


Thats all you ever dreamed of.. All you ever wanted..


"You should've just played ball, Summer.. But you always had to be so damn difficult, running off to work for the Bratva.. What were you thinkin'?.. When we get back home, we're finally going to accomplish what Malcom was always too afraid of.. A real new beginning.." Darby rambles on from the front of the car..

Back home? So he means to take you back to Ireland.. You haven't been back there in so long..
"New beginning? What are you talking about Declan?" Your hands are tightly ziptied behind your back and with your senses blocked by the thick cotton sack, you have no idea what is happening around you, which direction you are headed or what time it is..

All you know is that you're being taken somewhere far outside of the city, you've been driving for what feels like hours.

You can hear the pride in his voice.. "Yeah.. It'll be like a reset.. The motherland will be reborn.. And I'll take my place at the top.. You're gunna help me see to that, baby.. You and me.."

You don't see how..

But then, you've given up on trying to work out his plans.. You're so tired.. So very tired.. "Please.. Just kill me now.. I can't.. I can't keep doing this.."

He laughs, harsh and dark.. "Wow, Sum.. Where's all that bitchy bite of yours?.. It's no fun if ya not fightin' back.."

You sigh.. If Hunter were here he'd be so disappointed in your defeatist attitude..

You know that.. Just another reason that wonderful, kind, generous hearted man deserves better than a life of running around cleaning up your messes..

And after seeing how ready to act on his evil instincts Darby was.. Threatening to poison a new born baby, just to get his way..

You realised there was no way out for you.. He would take everything you love.. "I feel sorry for you, Declan.. Sorry that nobody ever loved you enough.. And thats why you are so determined to see the world burn.. If you can't be happy.. Nobody can, right?.."

There is an angry growl before a searing smack collides across the apple of your cheek..


The strike seemingly coming from nowhere in the blanketed blackness.. Tears burn in your eyes.." Ahh fuckin hell!"

You drop your burning cheek to your shoulder, pressing for some relief when the car comes to an abrupt stop..

You hear the front doors of the car open, then a few seconds later, the door beside you opens.. "Get out, bitch.."

You feel the chill of the icy wind as a rough grip slip around your upper arm, yanking you hard so that you topple out onto the soild ground.. Landing on your side with a gasp.. "Oooff.."

You curl your knees upward, feeling like your insides may fall out through your stitches at any moment..

"C'mon Summer, get up.." You are pulled to your feet by a much gentler set of hands hooked beneath your arms and a softer voice in your ear..

You catch the distinct scent of cinnamon gum and Pall Mall cigarettes.. You could never forget that smell.. Or that voice.. "Jimmy?.. Jimmy O'malley, is that you?!"

There is a long silence.. Then suddenly.. The hood is pulled from your head..

You blink, looking around to see you are standing on the tarmac of an enormous, empty airport..

Empty, except for the one stark white jet sitting on the runway..

The night sky is so dark you can see the stars so far out from the glow of the city..

"See.. I told you she'd know it was me.." O'malley glares at Darby who just shrugs, motioning more of his goons over to join him..

"Ah, who fucking cares?.. It doesn't change anything.." Darby shrugs, sucking on his cigarette..

You haven't seen Jimmy since your teen years..

Actually, since the day after her took your Virginity back at Malcolm's camp when Declan had made a ridiculous scene in front of everyone..

Jimmy had avoided you after that..

"What the fuck, O'malley?!.." You spit at him angrily..

He doesn't look at you, instead he turns you around, walking you towards the plane and away from Darby as he begins instructing his guys.. "Shut up, Summer.. You don't know the half of the shit you caused.. Just get on the plane.."

What the heck is happening?..

O'malley was never a bad guy.. What the hell had happened to him?.. "I don't understand.. Jimmy.. Im sorry, okay?!.."

His fingers dig into your shoulder as he pushes you forward.. "I said shut up!"

You snap your mouth shut as he leads you up the stairs and onto the expensive looking jet, sitting you down on one of the tan leather seats.. There is nobody else in the cabin yet, so you take the opportunity fo plead with him.. "Jimmy.. Please.. What is going on here?.. What did I do to make you hate me like this?.. I just.. I don't understand.."

He hesitates, looking over his shoulder, dropping his voice and scrubbing a hand through his dark ginger locks.. "You didn't.. It's..complicated.."

You frown.. "I thought we were friends?.."

There is a sadness in his sea-green eyes.. "We were.. But I have a daughter to protect now.. Im sorry, Summer.. This is the way its gotta be.."

You get it now.. O'malley is a pawn.. Just like you.. "I see.."

Three of Darby's guys you recognise from the warehouse board the plan and take their seats.. Then Declan climbs through the door.. "Alright O'malley, let's get the fuck outta this shithole!.."

Jimmy nods, moving away from you close the cabin door and perform his checks.. Darby settles in beside you.. "Just wait till we get home, Summer.. Ya gunna love what I've done with the place.."

Secrets of Summer - THE SPECTER SERIES [book four]Where stories live. Discover now