Yes, We Can Have Fun

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There is more to a job than a desk, a chair and the tools to do the job.

There are the people, their skills, their team spirit and the fun.

Beep.....the call comes through.

'Well, my name is Mark and I sure as hell have a challenge for you. Your motto is one number for anything. HaHaHa'

'OK Mark, I am Stan, what can I do for you tonight?'

'Stan, I know that my question is actually going outside the bounds of what you offer as a service, but I am desperate, in trouble and am cheeky enough to ask!'

I laughed and then said to Mark, 'Let it never be said that I run away from a challenge before I know what is being asked of us. Come on then Mark, hit me!'

I know that this was not the way we are meant to handle a call, but this caller is cheeky, sounds fun and I felt that this is the way to talk to him.

He has my attention,

I feel up to a bit of fun, so let's see where this goes.

Mark gave me his challenge. Oh Boy!!!

He lives in a Mews Cottage in Chelsea. He was hosting a party tonight for a friend's 21st. He had a cake for a girlfriend to jump out of with a present. The scantily clad female form that was meant to be in the cake had let him down, refusing to dress up how he wanted and dropped out, just four hours before the!!!

He hinted he had an open wallet. Living in a mews in Chelsea, there is no question about money there!

He was right, this was absolutely NOT what we do! But I admired his cheek and the sense of fun that crackled over the phone line. Besides, I had an idea in the back of my mind. Mark was willing to hold while I worked on my hunch.

I wandered over to Avril's desk.

Avril. OMG, what was this girl doing working in a call centre I don't know. She was tall, the body shape any man or woman would fall in love in, legs up to her armpits and flowing jet black hair.....and she is fun, outgoing and up for many a challenge. Rules are obstacles to be removed is her motto.

I put her line on hold and told her about the call. I knew she was finishing work in two hours time, just like me, tonight. I would be surprised if she didn't have something on tonight, but I had to ask!

She gave me the throaty dirty Avril giggle. Her eyes lit up, a huge grin spread across her face and she got up, came to my desk, picked up my headset and took over the call.

I went over to the coffee machine and giggled to myself on the way back. If anyone was crazy enough to consider this, it was Avril.

The call lasted a little while, she was laughing, playing with her hair and just beaming and writing something down. I think there was a positive result for this cheeky, wealthy caller.

When she was finished, Avril just looked at me and told me to make myself free, smiled and I swear floated off back to her workstation.

OMG, what was happening here?

Two hours later with my shift completed, a very happy and bouncy Avril, with a gleam in her eyes, grabbed my arm, steered me out of the building and told me that tonight I was her driver. She quickly gave me a light kiss on my cheek and said thank you.

Mnnnnnn. Cheeky callers every night would be good I thought with a little laugh escaping from my mouth!

The plan for the night....

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2020 ⏰

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