Ch.1 Home Sweet Home

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Waking up to a lovely morning, I sit up in bed. I swing my legs over and get ready for the day.

It's been a few days since Ichigo and I returned home, as well as the others. Not many things has happened since then. Though, I still need to go back to the Soul Society when I'm ready for training. Not to mention, I need to go to Kisuke's later today.

Finishing up, I look at myself through my mirror. My eyes fell right on my pendant.

That's right, I need to tell the others the news.

Leaving my bedroom, I head down stairs to find breakfast already made.

"Hmm? Oh, good morning, Emiko." Yuzu greets me as she finishes setting up the table.

"Mornin'." Karin adds, sitting at the table.

"Good morning you two." I reply, sitting at the table with them.

"Oh, thanks again for the gifts." Yuzu smiles at me.

"Yeah. They're pretty cool." Karin adds.

"You're welcome... Where's dad and Ichigo? I got an announcement I have to make."

"Well," Karin sighs. "They should be done"

As if seeing the future, Karin's prediction comes to life. Ichigo comes rolling down the stairs with Isshin. They continue to wrestle even after they hit the ground.

"Agh! Get off of me!"

Having enough, Ichigo throws Isshin off. Isshin ends up face first in the nearest wall. Standing, Ichigo takes a seat next to Karin.

"Rough mornin', huh?" she asks him.

"When is it not?"

Isshin gets up and takes a seat next to Yuzu and begins eating.

"Hey, Ichigo, have you put on more muscle?"

Ichigo looks towards Karin.


"I didn't notice yesterday."

"Oh really? Never mind that. Have you two finish your summer homework?"

Yuzu nods.

"We actually finished really early. We had nothing else to do while you and Emiko were on your trip, though."

"I apologize for leaving you two here with...him."

"I'm "him" now?! Why must my daughter be so cruel?!"

"Maybe act your age and you won't hear us complain." Karin jabs at him.

"...Not you too~."

Dropping his fake tears, Isshin suddenly smirks. He lifts his leg in the air and manages to kick Ichigo in the face, sending him falling back in his chair.

 He lifts his leg in the air and manages to kick Ichigo in the face, sending him falling back in his chair

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"Ha! Your guard was down! Still can't beat your dad, huh?!"

Standing, Ichigo yells right in his face.

"What's the big idea?!"

The two begin to fight as Yuzu tries to stop them.

"Dad! Ichigo! The food will get cold- Karin!"

She was sneaking some food off of Ichigo's plate.

"What? It's not like he's going to eat it."

"Oh..." Yuzu sighs, giving up.

"...Hey! Knock it off!" Karin shouts. "Will you two sit down already! Emiko has something very important to say too!"

They both freeze. Turning towards me, Isshin takes a seat. As well as Ichigo.

"What's wrong? Nothing happened to you, right? You didn't get a boyfriend while you were on that trip, right?! You didn't have your first kiss-"

Karin throws her fork at his head, shutting him up.

"Will you listen already?! ...Go on, Emiko."

"...While Ichigo and I were away on the trip... I ended up...finding my birth family."


No one said a thing. Ichigo simply kept eating, already knowing this.

"...That's great!"

Isshin traps me in a bear hug.

"Oh, Emiko, I'm so happy for you!" Yuzu smiles.

"That's awesome." Karin adds.

"Waaaahhhhh~! I'm so happy~!"

Isshin begins crying like a little kid. After a few minutes, he collects himself and let's me go.

"So, who are they?"

...I guess I can tell them a little.

"I'm part of the Kuchiki family. My real name is Kazumi Kuchiki."


"Yes...but I asked to remain as Emiko. Emiko Kuchiki-Kurosaki. It's the name you gave me after all."

"Aw~. that's sweet. But...I only gave you your last name, sweetheart."

"What do you mean?"

"When your mother and I found you, there was also a letter with you. It basically said that your name was Emiko and that who ever found you had to take care of you."


This is the first I'm hearing of this.

"What are they like?" Yuzu questions.

"Well...they're incredibly rich and important."

"Lucky." Karin continues to eat.

"I have two siblings, an older brother and sister. However, our parents died a long time ago."

"...I'm sorry to hear that."

I look at Isshin.

"It's okay. At least I got my siblings."

"It's crazy." Ichigo suddenly interjects. "Emiko looks so much like her older brother."

"Does she now? ...Well, you have to invite them over some time."

I don't think that would happen anytime soon.

"I was wondering... Is it okay if I go and visit them time to time?"

"Of course! They're your family, after all. Just don't forget about us."

"...I won't. You guys are my family too."

"Relax, kid. I'm only joking with ya. I know you love us. Especially me."

"If you want the correct're last."

"You just love raining on your old man's parade, huh? Well, anyway, this calls for a celebration!"


"Yes." Yuzu puts her hands together. "After so long, you finally found your other family. We have to celebrate. Plus, we should do something all together before school starts tomorrow."

"Oh! How about we go to that new restaurant that just opened up in town over the summer. I hear their food is to kill for." Karin suggests.

"Okay! For dinner, we'll go there!"


A small smile forms on my lips as I watch my family get all excited.

I love this family.

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