Ch.3 What In The World...?

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~~~~Two Days Later~~~~

"Very good, Ms... What should I call you?" Kisuke pounders.

"Emiko...or whatever you'd like."

"Alright then. That was an excellent block, Emiko."

Pulling his zanpakuto back, he holds it by his side. I do the same and properly stand. The two of us are currently in his underground training room.

"Thank you...though, there were a lot of flaws."

"...Not many... Tell me something. Until you found out what you were, did you ever pick up a sword before?"


"Then of course you wouldn't be perfect with it the moment you do. It's okay wanting to be prefect, but no one could ever really achieve such a feat. So take it easy on yourself. You'll get badly hurt otherwise."


"Say...what's the name of your zanpakuto?"

"...I do not know. It doesn't speak to me."

"...Maybe your not ready to know yet." Kisuke mumbles to himself.

"What was that?"

"Nothing. You said you're receiving training in the Soul Society? Who's the person you'll be training under?"

"Captain Toshiro Hitsugaya."

"Hmm... Well, I'm sure he'll be able to get you to your Inner World. If not, I'll try to teach you later."

"Inner World?"

"Yup, every soul reaper has one. Rumor has it that one of the many abilities of the legendary White Soul Reaper is to be able to travel to other soul reaper's Inner Worlds."

"Is that so?"

He nods.

"At least...that's what I heard."


"Anyway, your guard is down~."


"Scream, Benihime."

Swinging his sword my way, it releases a wave of crimson red energy at me. Instead of running away like last time, I stand my ground. Hold my zanpakuto up, I managed to block the attack. It destroyed everything around me, though.

"Nice~. I'm surprise you did that. But can you do it twice?"

Without giving me time to think, he swings again, unleashing the same attack. I try to block it again, however...


I get cut pretty bad before being sent flying into a boulder. As the dust clears, I find Kisuke standing over me.

"We'll work on that. For now, let Tessai treat your wounds and go home. It's almost two in the morning, and you need to rest. Come back in two days. That should be enough time.

Oh, by the way, I'll be using some new Mod Souls, that I've created, to be training Ichigo and his friends. If they come to you for help, stay out of it. Got it?"

"Yes, Mr. Urahara."


~~~~Time Skip~~~~

I'm currently back in my body, heading home. The streets are dark and quiet, but that doesn't bother me. If I'm in danger, well...I feel sorry for that person trying to attack.

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