Just plane excited! (haha)

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When she woke up the next morning, Connie thanked the stars that her friends had got her an afternoon flight. Even though she's set alarms, she had managed to sleep though the majority of them, waking up at 1pm. Luckily, she lived pretty close to Dublin Airport, so had only a half hour drive.

She double and triple checked what she had packed and unnecessarily checked the dates on her passport, cringing at the photo. When it was taken, she still had the long, luxurious curls she had once prided herself on. Recently, she had had her hair cut to a more manageable lengths, the short red longs framing her face to give her a permanently mussed bedhead. While new and different, the style was not unwelcome.

After a quick shower, she started to load her bags into her car. Once it was done she checked her watch and gasped, dashing back into the flat to snach her backpack and makeup bag, hurriedly locking the door on the way out. It was 1:30pm, so she decided to do her makeup once she'd gotten through security.

Arriving at the airport, Connie waded through the ever present sea of people. Half an hour later, she was through the security and into the shopping area. She noted the time (2:30pm) and made a b-line for the bathroom. Once she got there, she quickly applied her eyeliner and foundation. She may have gone slightly overboard, but there was no time to redo it. Her eyeliner had wings large enough that she could probably fly away from her problems, but she had the plane for that.

Speaking of the plane, it was boarding in 15 minutes. Connie quickly swiped lipstick across her lips and smiled. Her nose and lips matched the vibrant red of her hair and she both cursed and loved her genetics for her permanently rosy face. However, unlike her short hair and small lips, Connie had a rather large nose. It wasn't time to be worrying about that though, everybody nose there's a time and a place for it. She giggled at her own pun.

With 10 minutes until boarding (and after trying out the hi-tech hand dryer) Connie left the bathroom. She began to fast walk to her gate, her fast walk turning into a jog when she realised she was on the other side of departures. As you can guess, the woman was as elegant as always. Unluckily, the fates picked then of all times to trip her up, literally. With a shrill, embarrassing squawk, Connie tumbled into something hard. Rather, she tumbled into someone.

"Are you okay?" The voice groaned, it was male and definitely had an Irish lilt. Connie merely groaned back, accepting the offered hand.

"Sorry about that!" blushed Connie

"No worries," the man replied. Connie noted that he was around 25 and extremely attractive. "Sorry about this, but I really need to go. My flight is boarding in 5 minutes and it's at gate 3!" The woman checked her watch.

"Shit! My flight! Wait - did you say gate 3?"

"Yeah, why?" Replied the man. I decided I would call him Nathan.

"That's where mine is!" The redhead smiled.

"That's great," he said "but in that case, boarding in 3 minutes."

The two of them took off down the hall, arriving at gate 3 and taking their places in the queue.

"So," started Connie curiously, "what are you doing in Austin?"

"I'm, uh, going to a convention." Nathan was clearly a bit nervous talking about it, like he didn't want me to laugh at him. "It's called RTX."

"Wow! Me too!" Connie's face lit up. "See you there?"

"Yeah, that'd be cool." He smiled. "I'll see you there, ..." He trailed off.

"Connie." she replied.

"Next!" called the air hostess, and Connie stepped forward to present her boarding pass. Once on the plane, she noticed Nathan sitting pretty far away. She sighed, and resigned herself to playing on her gameboy.

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