Chapter Three

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Taehyung hated silence.

He stood behind a group of children who stared with wide eyes as Hoseok taught them how to shoot, where to shoot, and how to resemble a gun. They were somewhat new kids, having only been in the mafia for barely a year. Taehyung had acquired this group at a homeless shelter. It was quite easy, easier than he thought as homeless shelters were new for him. He was told by Seokjin not to kill anyone this time as he was tired of spending money to clean up the big messes he made when he went out to find kids to bring to the mafia.

However, when the crackhead behind the building willingly gave away her ten-year-old daughter, he couldn't help but return the next day to kill her. He had a bad taste for drug addicts - which is why he hated Seokjin and never abided by the man's rules.

The said girl was the only one who got an A from Hoseok. She rather enthusiastically shot the target with such great precision that Taehyung wondered if she's had past experience. So now, a year later, she was helping Hoseok teach the other kids who were doing poorly as she knew that if they didn't "pass" then their fates would be similar to her mother.

"Pitiful," Hoseok said with a scoff, "you kids are the weakest bunch yet."

The eleven-year-old girl stood beside him, looking rather proud of her status. She held her gun tightly in her hands with her chin up, staring at the children before her as if they were nothing but gum on the bottom of her shoe.

'He's done well with her' Taehyung thought.

The girl was the only child out of the thirteen that didn't fight back. She...embraced the mafia as if she knew it was her calling. She had great survival instincts considering she managed to come out of Seokjin's survival camps unbroken. She actually came out smiling according to Ghost who's in charge of surveying the camps. The other kids? Not so much.

"I'll go in again for the fun of it," she had said.

"What do you have to say to them, Kya?" Hoseok asked the girl without looking at her but instead glaring at the kids.

"The Family doesn't know sympathy, empathy. They don't pity those who can't execute their tasks perfectly and that means 100/10. If you continue to be such disappointments then that ultimately means you have chosen to leave."

"W-We can leave?" A young boy asked, looking over at Taehyung before looking at the girl and then at Hoseok. Hoseok scoffed and gestured for the girl to explain further.

"Yes, you can leave," the eleven-year-old said as she raised her gun, "but there's only one exit and I'm sure you don't want to take it."

The boy's eyes widened and he jumped backwards as the Kya shot at the spot between his feet. He ran into another boy behind him and they both stumbled to the ground.

Taehyung scoffed and rolled his eyes, already tired of watching this group. This is why he stuck to parentless children - they seemed to be more resilient. Lack of love can do that to a person.

Without a word, the redhead turned and made his way towards the door. Hoseok continued talking as Taehyung pushed the metal door open and started down the long, dark corridor.

He hated surveying the classes new recruits had to take. He'd much rather be alongside Ghost, watching the kids in Seokjin's survival camps - hell, he'd rather be with the trainers who worked on the survival camps. The classes were so boring especially with Hoseok who only taught them about guns and target training. Taehyung wasn't allowed to teach the recruits as he had a bad temper. He taught a fighting class only once and almost killed a fourteen-year-old for not following his simple instructions.

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