Part Ten

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McKinley High Choir Room, After School
"Guys, Regionals is only a month away, and we still don't have a setlist," Mr. Schuester clapped once. "What are we gonna do?"

"I don't know, Mr. Schue," Joe shrugged. "But Coach Sue is outside the choir room right now, and I think she's here to chew you out again," he pointed to the door, and there was Coach Sylvester standing with her arms crossed and a grimace on her face.

"Oh my God, again? I'll be right back, in the mean time, I want you guys brainstorming potential songs to cover, we have to be on our A-game for Regionals." Mr. Schue said as he walked out.

Rachel sat in the middle of the choir room and got to thinking. She realized she loved spending time with the competition, with people who amounted to her level of talent, no offense to her fellow glee club members. However, she needed to know more about these people, what their strengths were, and most importantly, what their weaknesses were. She needed to get them together one last time before Regionals. But how? For one Rachel Berry, the answer was quite simple.

She waited until Mr. Schuester had completely left the choir room to say something. "I have an idea," she announced with a smirk on her face.

"Does it involve doing another Gaga number? Cause last time I almost fell off the stage and nearly broke my ass in those stilletos," Sam shifted in his seat.

"No, Sam," Rachel giggled. "It involves hosting, wait for it..." she paused for dramatic effect. "Invitationals."

The New Directions sat in confusion at Rachel's proposition. Meanwhile, Quinn rolled her eyes. Not yet another get-together with the competition, she thought.

"But aren't Invitationals supposed to be hosted before Sectionals?" Artie slowly raised his hand.

Rachel paused and snapped her fingers. "Yes, but we still need a feel for the competition's strengths, I'm sure Mr. Schue would be on board,"

"That's sort of a good point," Joe touched his forehead with his index finger.

"Thanks, Joe." Rachel nodded in appreciation. "Okay, so how to we go about this?"

While the New Directions began brainstorming their plan to beat their competition, Tina had a plan of her own. "Can you meet me in the auditorium after rehearsal? I want to show you my idea for Regionals," she whispered to Quinn, rubbing her shoulders. "I'm too shy to present it in front of everyone so I was thinking I could show you first and see what you think,"

"Yeah, of course," Quinn whispered back with a smile and patted Tina's shoulder. "It's gonna be great, I'm sure."

Tina grinned and glanced at her friend Artie, who gave her a subtle wink and a thumbs up.

Rachel clapped multiple times, bringing everyone's attention back to her. "Okay, so it's decided: Sam, since you're friends with that Elliott guy, you're in charge of getting Vocal Adrenaline to join our Invitationals,"

"Cool," Sam sat back. "but I also have some pull with the Warblers because I'm also friends with Sebastian, you know, I could kill two birds with one stone-"

"No, I'll be personally inviting the Warblers, thank you very much." Rachel interrupted quickly and smiled.

"Damn, okay, it was just a suggestion, sheesh." Sam raised his hands up in defense.

"This is gonna be so fun," Rachel squealed. "We're gonna crush them at Regionals, I know it."

McKinley High Auditorium, After School
"How's my beautiful girlfriend? You were pretty quiet during glee rehearsal," Rachel walked up to the piano in the auditorium, where Quinn was sitting, glaring at her. "Wow, okay," she scoffed and crossed her arms. "What did I do now?"

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