Words I've waited a lifetime to say

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I found one who'll go to a grocery store with me at 3am to buy vegan ice cream because that's what I feel like.

I found one who knows little vintage Cafe that we walk to wearing fluffy animal onesies in broad daylight.

I found one who'll wake up in the morning and tell Alexa to play Disney's best hits and then sings along with me.

I found one to distract while he's coding some rocket science artificial Intelligence crap on his computer and gives me his jacket when I sit on the back of his motorcycle.

I found one who'll dance with me while we wait for the elevator and doesn't stop when it opens with his neighbors inside.

I found one I can talk to for hours and hours about books and movies and music and evolution and science and Mars and the moon and humanity.

I found one to watch Queens Gambit with. To listen to music with. To sleep in on a Sunday with. To cuddle with.

I found one that makes me tea when I dont ask and, get this, buys me food even though I say I'm not hungry.

I found one, he found us a song, and Lola Marsh doesn't know it, but Wishing Girl is ours now.

I found one. The one? A one? Feelings? Love? I don't know. I don't care.

I found one who gives me piggy back rides, and those get me further than empty words ever did.

I found one.

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