Chapter 6

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The first thing I did was sit on the toilet before I had another accident. After that, I considered my options carefully. This might seem out of character for me. Yes, basic social interactions make me freeze up and stammer, but I can be surprisingly calm in genuine catastrophes.

And this was definitely an catastrophe. I was on a date with the best-looking boy I'd ever seen. He was smart, funny, charming, and for some reason, he actually seemed to like me.

I could not mess this up

The first thing I did was call Britney, but her phone went straight to voicemail. Damn it. She really was terrible about answering her phone. I'd seen her leave it in her purse for hours at a time.

To make matters worse, my own phone's battery was only at 3%.

Well, that caused my heart rate to double. This was completely my fault for forgetting to charge it last night. It was stupid, but not as stupid as forgetting to bring a diaper change.

I typed out a quick text message to Britney, explaining what had happened. I ended the message by asking her to bring me a couple spare diapers to the mini-golf course.

No sooner had I sent the message than my phone died on me. Joy.

The next thing I did was unfold the Victoria's Secret pull-up. At this point, I figured I could either put this on and continue with our date, or I could bail. Sure, I could make up some excuse like I was sick, but there was a chance Nathan might not want to reschedule after that. 

The longer he lived in this town, the more people he'd meet. By next week, he might be friends with some of the popular kids, and he could be dating any one of them.

My only hope was to somehow be cute and charming before then. Maybe that would make Nathan attached to me? Less likely to leave me for someone else? Honestly, I was flying blind here, but it seemed like the right idea.

So, I stepped into the pull-up and ... pulled it up.

I'll admit, this made me blush a little. I've worn pull-ups before around the house, but mine were absorbent, with high leg-guards and padding that goes all the way up the back. You know—the kind that can actually hold an accident without staining the furniture.

These had none of that. The leg guards were no bigger than my thumbnail, the padding only went halfway up to my belly button. And instead of floral designs that fade when wet, these actually had fake lace around the padding and waistband.

I'd felt the same wear when I wore my first bra. See, there are girls' clothes, and there are women's' cloths, and this pull-up definitely the latter. I could only imagine how I'd feel once I was old enough to wear real lingerie. 

I stepped out of the stall and ran into Nathan a second later. He already had our golf balls and clubs in hand. 

"Hope you don't mind," he said, "I had to guess your size."

"Thanks." I smiled as I accepted the blue club. "You got it right. Sorry I took so long. There was a line of cheerleaders in the bathroom."

He grinned. "Ah, I hate when that happens."

"Oh?" I raised an eyebrow. "I didn't know guys had to deal with lines of cheerleaders."

"Worse," he said, "football players."

I laughed, and we made our way down to the course. the first half went surprisingly smooth. I thought I'd have to worry about crinkling the whole time, but this pull-up was dead silent. Seriously, I could rob a bank with this thing.

A part me of me actually wished I'd worn something other than a dress so I could 'accidentally' bend over and show Nathan a hint of the lacy pink waistband. Funny how I'd spent spent the last four years judging girls who did that, and it only took me five minutes before I got the urge.

I understood now though. What was the point of wearing something so non-absorbent if you couldn't show it off?

Unfortunately, I've always been the kind of girl who pees when she laughs, and Nathan made me laugh a lot during the first ten holes. It was only a few dribbles here and there. If I'd been wearing a more substantial pull-up, I could have lasted all day like this.

But by the time we'd reached Hole #15, I had a full-blown accident. Once again, a normal pull-up could have held this. And if I'd been smart enough to bring a diaper, I could have had ten accidents this size without batting an eyelash.

But there's a cost when you prioritize sexiness over absorbency, and it involes a warm trickle down your leg.

Damn it, so close

I was in the middle of lining up my shot when it happened. I'd hoped my shorts would absorb some of the wetness, but no such luck. It continued running my left leg until it reached the hem of my knee-length dress. 

"You okay?" Nathan asked me. That was when I realized I'd been frozen in place for the past minute.

At that point, I did the worst possible thing and glanced down at my legs to see how visible the steam was. And because I looked, Nathan looked too. 

Joy. I wanted to crawl under my covers and never come out. Here Nathan thought he was going out with a sophisticated high school junior, then she wets herself like a middle schooler.

No, this was worse. At least a middle schooler would have the good sense to wear an actual diaper. Not to mention keep her phone charged.

Slowly, I glanced up to meet Nathan's eyes. "Um, I have to..."

"Sure," Nathan said. "I understand." His tone sounded completely sincere, with no hint of pity or amusement. He probably thought I had to change my pull-up. If only it were that simple. Even if I ran to the bathroom right now, I'd be trapped in there until Britney saw my message. If she saw my message. That would leave Nathan out here waiting for me. 

Tears of frustration clouded my eyes, and I lifted my glasses to wipe them dry. Technically, I could still walk home from here. I only lived about two miles away. But that would be a miserable walk, and I'd still have to explain my reason to Nathan.

Last resort the: the truth.

"I really dumb right now," I said. Then I took a deep breath to prepare myself, "but I forgot to bring a spare pull-up today. My phone also died, so..." 

"Oh!" Nathan actually looked relieved. "Okay, no big deal. I saw a pharmacy down the road. What if you wait in the bathroom here, and I head down there to pick you up a new pack?"

I blinked. "Seriously? You would do that?"

He shrugged. "Unless you have a better idea, but it seems like the best option to me."

He was right about that. I couldn't go myself. Not in this condition.

We started walking toward the bathrooms and I pulled out a twenty dollar bill from my purse. 

"What brand?" he asked as he accepted the payment.

"Luna's," I said, "size small." 

"Got it," he said, "meet you back here in a few minutes."

True to his word, Nathan returned with 12-pack bag of pull-ups for me. I put one on, then we got into his car and he drove me home. Honestly, I didn't know what to feel at this point. Embarrassed that he'd seen me wet myself? Definitely. That moment would have me cringing for years to come.

Then again, the whole thing had been surprisingly intimate—almost surreal. He knew things about me now, but they didn't faze him. He still flirted and joked with me the whole ride home as if nothing was wrong. 

Despite the mess I'd made (no pun intended) this all felt too good to be true.

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