Chapter 5

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Britney and I woke the next morning to an amazing breakfast of eggs, sausage, and pancakes. My parents were great cooks, but they rarely went all out for breakfast the way Britney's family did.

The only awkward part was eating in a wet diaper. Most nights, I'll wet two or three times in my sleep which results in a lot of unwanted sagging between my legs. In a perfect world, I would jump in the shower within five minutes of waking up. That's usually what I do at home. Every family does things differently though.

I didn't wear any pajama bottoms to bed that night, but I definitely put on a pair before we headed downstairs. I don't even like my own family seeing my diaper, much less someone else's.

Britney, on the other hand, had no qualms about eating breakfast in just a diaper and a tank-top. Then again, she was an only child. And the floral designs on her diaper were only slightly faded which meant she hadn't wet nearly as much as I did.

We took turns showering after breakfast, then I got ready for my date with Nathan.

I'd already decided on my outfit the night before: a knee-length red dress and a dark denim jacket. It was supposed to be warm today, so instead of leggings, I wore a pair of tight-fitting white shorts under my dress. 

Personally, I thought leggings were far more subtle. Wearing shorts under a dress basically screamed, "I'm wearing a diaper under here, and I'm too embarrassed to let anyone see it."

Sigh. I almost miss middle school. At least then, most of us wore the same thing, and no one cared who saw.

Britney and I hung out for another hour since the date wasn't until eleven. I let her braid my hair, but I resisted all her attempts to put makeup on me. Clearly, Nathan already liked the way I looked, so I didn't want to mess that up. 

Afterward, Britney asked me if I knew the definition of irony, then proceeded to lecture me on how I shouldn't go through with my plan. It had been her idea to put the pull-up in my purse, but she insisted it wasn't necessary and that I should just be honest with him.

No way was I that brave. 

Eleven o'clock took forever to arrive and butterflies danced around my stomach all morning. Finally, the time came, and Britney's car pulled into the mini-golf course.

Nathan was already waiting outside the front door, wearing a pair of dark shorts and a long-sleeve button-up with the sleeves rolled up. I appreciated that he got here early. I've never been on a real date before, but I've always dreaded the idea of waiting around for the guy to show up.

"Is that him?" Britney asked.

"Mmhmm." I sank deeper into my seat, feeling my cheeks get hot.

"He's cute!" she announced.

"Really?" I'd already known this, of course, but it still felt good to hear. Some small, irrational part of me had worried that there was something wrong with Nathan. Like maybe I was the only person on earth who thought he was cute, and that was the reason he'd asked me out.

"Of course!" she said. "Just look at those forearms. I bet he works out. He's pretty tall too. And those eyes..."

"Thanks for the ride," I stammered as I undid my seatbelt. Better to get out of the car before he glanced over and saw us leering.

I closed my door and Britney pulled out . Nathan smiled at me when our eyes met, and the butterflies flew even faster in my stomach. Fortunately, I was able to relax as we started talking.

"I'm guessing you've been here before," he said.

"A couple times with my family," I said with a shrug. "I'm sure it will be more fun with you though."

He opened the door for me, and I stepped inside. When I did, I felt an immediate pressure in my bowels. 

Oh no.

I'd try to go number two several times that morning, but I'd been less successful without my morning coffee. For all their amazing breakfasts, Britney's family didn't drink coffee. Now it was all going to come out at once. One big explosion, courtesy of my nerves. 

"I have to use the bathroom," I told Nathan. 

Without waiting for his reply, I power-walked ahead of him and pushed my way through the door. There were two stalls, and both of them were occupied. A chorus of giggles sounded from the other side, and I spotted at least six pairs of feet. Probably a squad of cheerleaders changing into their uniforms.

Damn it.

I tried my hardest to hold it in, but they just kept talking and giggling. A braver person would have knocked on the stall door and told them to hurry up. Unfortunately, that wasn't me.

They'll be done any second.

They continued giggling on the other side of the stall doors. I danced from one foot to the other, gritting my teeth. The pressure continued to build, like a cannon ready to fire.

Finally, the first stall door swung open.

I jumped and took an involuntary step back. At the same time, the pressure released and I felt a massive weight drop into the back of my diaper.

The cheerleaders who stepped out of the first stall were all shorter than me They looked like freshmen, or even middle schoolers. 

"Ew!" one of the girls announced. With one hand, she held her nose. She made a fanning motion with the other. "Who pooped?"

She whirled around, looking at her friends. Finally, she turned around to face me. 

"Oh." Her smile faded, replaced with a look of pure pity. "Uh ... sorry."

I shuffled into the stall without saying a word. I kept my steps careful and deliberate, not wanting to smear any of the mess against my skin. It had been several months since I had an accident like this, but I was no stranger to them. I knew that changing was way easier if you did it quickly.

There was a changing table in here, but I didn't lay down yet. Instead, I removed my jacket and pulled the skirt of my dress as high as it would go. Then I pulled off my shorts and undid the tapes of my diaper one at a time, lowering it to the floor.

Fortunately, the cheerleaders had left quickly so they couldn't see, hear, or smell me.

After wiping myself clean and rolling up the diaper, I reached into the secret pocket of my purse, only to find the thin Victoria's Secret pull-up sticking out like a pink flower.

For a moment, my blood froze, then I remembered the plan.

Right. My real diapers were in the secret bag at the bottom. 

I pulled out Britney's fabric case and undid the zipper. It felt too light in my hand, and my heart skipped several beats as the panic set in once again.

When I undid the zipper, I confirmed what I'd already feared.

The fabric case was empty, and I'd just used my last diaper.

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