Chapter 1

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Guardian Realms

Third p.o.v.

This is a world filled with Guardian that protect the innocence from danger upon themselves. This is a world called Guardian Realms. Guardians will get chosen by a elderly lady, she get to decide on who gets to become a guardian, she get to chose one or more person to become a guardian. Unfortunately there has been Guardian that has fallen, the other will always remember those fallen guardian that protect the innocence.

Today in Guardians Realm the elderly get to chose who will become Guardian. Everyone in that world gather and met up.

There was a girl in that crowd, she always get excited on whoever the elderly picks. Though she never thought of herself as a guardian, she always thinks that she could be of useful of something else.

The elderly known as Eva walked outside to see her people. "My people is yet again time, someone in this crowd is chosen to become Guardian" she said. The crowd was silent waiting for what Eva was going to say. "Unfortunately this is only one guardian get to be chosen" everyone was waiting on what the elderly was going to say. "The Guardian of today will be Makaylyn" everyone stops and cheers for the new guardian. A light spots appeared a girl with teal eye with black short hair, her skin was a peach color. Makaylyn was shocked. How could she be a guardian? Was she ready to become a guardian?

Makaylyn walks towards Eva, she smiled at Makaylyn. "Congratulations my dear, you've been chosen" everyone applaud for Makaylyn. As for Makaylyn thought of this was a bad idea for her, she can't be a guardian.

Eva walked back inside her home while Makayla follower her inside. "Excuse me Eva" she said. The elderly turned and face her "Yes my dear?" "Um may I can ask did you choose me? There could be someone else better then me"  "My dear there is a reason for everything, you shouldn't be doubting yourself" said Eva. Makaylyn sighed. "You remind me of myself" Makaylyn looked up at her with a confused expression "What do you mean?" "You see when I was about your age I was too been chosen to pick who will be Guardian" "Were you nervous?" Ask Makaylyn. Eva nodded "Indeed I was, but I soon realize that I shouldn't be nervous about anything" "But are you sure that I'm ready to become a Guardian?" Ask Makaylyn. "I have fate in you. I seen you train yourself, with your keyblade and your magic. I suggest you should go home now, there much more that we need to discuss in the morning" said Eva "Thank Eva" she smiled and said "Why your welcome dear Makaylyn". When Makaylyn left Eva looked up at the sky through her window to see a darkness coming their way. "I know you are ready Makaylyn. Don't deny who you truly are"

Everything was quite in Guardian Realm late night but nobody knew what was coming towards them.

Makaylyn couldn't really sleep tonight due the fact that she is the new guardian. All of a sudden she heard screaming going on outside her home. Makaylyn rushed outside to see darkness are grabbing people and bringing them into the darkness. There was also creatures that she didn't know was attacking the people. They are fighting back but the creature became stronger for strange reason? One of the creature tried to get Makaylyn but she swing her Keyblade and destroyed the creature. "I have to warned Eva" she said and ran to the elderly home.

Once she got there darkness started to get closer to Eva house. Without a thought Makaylyn opens the door. "Eva! We need to get out of here!" She shouted. She rushed around the house to see if Makaylyn can find her. There's was only one place that she haven't been the roof. Makaylyn went upstairs to reached the roof. She found Eva just standing there.

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