Chapter Three

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I was snapped out of sleep thanks to the grumbling of turbulence. Cussing under my breath I stretched and deemed it safe for me to unbuckle and move about the craft now that we are in the air.

I stood and picked up my bag, realizing I was still dressed in my battle uniform. I walked over to a woman sitting at a very expensive computer station and asked for a spare room. After a few moments she gave me a key card and I was happy to have some privacy.

Entering the room, it was designed with the same techy, modern feel as the rest of the carrier. Normally cargo planes would never have this much space or luxury. Courtesy to Stark Industries and S.H.E.I.L.D.S engineers, everything we operated with was top of the line.
I placed my bag onto the bed and realized I didn't have any other clothes than the ones I wore earlier today. I made a quick call with a phone built into the room's wall and within a few minutes a woman appeared with a change of clothes consisting of standard S.H.E.I.L.D issued sweats and tee. Along with socks and undergarments. Thanking her, I jumped into the bathroom to clean up, my watch read 6:33PM, to me it felt much later considering I had been up since 4AM.
After a quick shower I got dressed and headed to the carriers food stash. I was tired and hungry from the day, so I grabbed a pre made turkey club, potato chips, two cookies and a coke.  Not healthy but the calories would provide much needed restoration. I began to unwrap the sandwich while making my way back to my room and bit into the bread. Bland.

Plopping onto the bed I fished out my laptop and started on the second half of the sand which and evaluated my time.
We left at 4PM, it was 7 now and at least an 8 hour flight to Russia. Meaning we would probably get off at around 1AM, considering landing procedures and such, I had 6 hours to spare. Downing the rest of my food I decided I needed more information about the Hydra attack.
I spent the next 2 hours trying to hacking into S.H.E.I.L.D's severs to get any information I could about Hydra's 'secret plan'.
Although, its kind of hard to bypass a server you helped protect. I couldn't wrap my mind around the reasoning to create a replica of the Red Skull.
He ended up dying due to the situation. The files I discovered that were stolen wouldn't
and shouldn't contain any information worth looking at. A deluge of questions filled my brain and all of these only one person could answer---

"Bo-do-droop!" My laptop chirped.

"Well speak of the devil." I said. I had received an encrypted email from Director Colson. It read,

"Agent Romanoff, bad news," figures..I scoffed

"after you left, Hydra unleashed a full fledged attack on the base, the landing deck was raided and some agents were taken hostage. Including...Anthony Stark, your current assignment has been put on hold" I let out a sigh of relief, I had been dreading my current—past assignment because it would've involved me facing all my demons for lack of better words.

"until we get this situation under control. But from now on your new mission is to rescue Mr. Stark. I think you can handle the rest. By the way don't try to hack our servers, Hydra blew up those too. If you have any questions ask Captain Rogers. This mission is confidential, all the other agents are under different orders. You and Rogers are the only ones I trust with this," Lucky us.

"When arrive in Russia you will be assigned room 46B and Rogers 47B you both have brief cases in your room containing all the information you need. And a few bags full of money, passports, clothes, cell phones and equipment you will need on this mission. Talk to Rogers about your plan. Contact me with updates."


"P.S the base is in Kaverino Russia, have fun."

Tsk.."fun" as if.
I'm glad to not be continuing my misso- er previous mission, I'm not looking forward to going back to Russia...I escaped that place for a reason.
I earned my freedom not for it to be stolen away. As Colson said, I signed up for this so I grit my teeth and looked for a silver lining. I'm a little happy to be going back to such a majestic, beautiful country, Americas kind of boring compared to Russia's gorgeous architecture and culture.
Then again I think everything's boring.

"Hey." I jumped, I didn't even notice Steve standing in the doorway of my tiny room.

"Hey.." fatigue hugged my voice.

"I just got the email," He replied as he stepped into my room. He sat down opposite of me and was dressed in his casual black jeans and white tee shirt that seemed handmade just for him. I felt sloppy in my sweats.

"Any thoughts on how we should approach this?" He asked.

"Well we can't do much until we get on base, get in our rooms and do some research. We have to stay at the Russian base for at least two weeks because if we leave too soon it will look really suspicious." I explained, happy to be back to business.

"Right." He asked impatiently but still remaining calm. I appreciated him letting me take lead, considering Russia is my Motherland and I'm much more accustomed with sneaking around, it made sense.

"Again, we need to stay at the base for 2 weeks total, that will give us plenty of time to find out where Stark is, and create a course of action. It's imperative to remain undetected" I answered.

"Okay I'll go ask some of the agents here some questions and get as much intel as I can. Do you know where the base is? I don't recall." I silently hoped he didn't have many more questions, I was ready to sleep.

"Yeah the base is in..." I paused, to look back at the email's glowing screen.

"Kaverino, Moscow Russia. It's a little ways away from the main center of Moscow, if we need to, we can get to the main city in like 15 minutes, even if we have a tail when we reach the center they will lose us, I guarantee that. We could escape to Belarus as well. It's a very tactful location." I whispered, I heard footsteps past my door, I wasn't taking any chances on blowing cover.

"You really know Russia like the back of your hand don't you?" He complimented.

"Yes, yes I do. It's what they pay me for." I said proudly.

"Well we can resume our plan tomorrow morning, I'm tired." as he let out a yawn.

"Okay. Comrade." I said in a singsong voice, relived to see he is as tired as me.

"Good night Tash." He rarely used my nickname. Steve and I have a rare synchronization that resulted in us trusting each other deeper than I allowed most to.

"Good night Steve." I smiled, he turned and looked at me, smiled and walked out. He's got those crystal blue eyes that can see right through your lies and into the truth, sometimes I hated it and other times I didn't.

I hadn't realized it was now 9:30 at night, but my body did, as I let out my own yawn. I fell into bed, closing my eyes to face the personal torture of my thoughts.


Broken Memories: A Natasha Romanoff StoryWhere stories live. Discover now