Chapter Five; Belarus

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We arrived at the border patrol of Belarus. And I rolled down my window greeting the guard with a,

"Добрый день, офицер. Как дела?" This means, Good Afternoon, officer. How are you? I smiled at him and hoped for no trouble.

"хорошие, паспорта, в настоящее время." He replied translating to: good, passports, now. I handed him Steve and I's passports. He verified our passports then handed them back. The guard ordered us to drive through an 'X-Ray car machine thing.' 

Now I'm getting impatient. I unlocked the car, opened the door (this surprised him) then with one swift punch knocked him out. 

"What was that for?" Steve laughed.

"He was wasting our time." I said through the car window, I was still out side. I walked over to the little patrol shack and pressed the green button allowing us to enter the country, I dragged the guards body into the shack and flooded his shack with memory erasing gas, this way he wouldn't remember anything in the past hour,  including us. I walked back over to the car and drove into Belarus.

"That was some show Natasha." Steve said laughing, I couldn't help but laugh too.

"Thank you ladies and gentlemen."  I smiled. 

After a few hours of driving in darkness, we arrived at Minsk, the capitol of Belarus. Steve sat in the passengers seat sound asleep. I nudged him gently awake and whispered,

"Hey were at Minsk, the capitol. I'm going to look up a hotel nearby and we will go there okay?" I said softly. Steve looked really tired, bags shadowed his eyes and his hair was slightly ruffled.

"Uh-uh, okay" Steve mumbled. He looked at me and smiled tiredly. I extended my arm out and fixed his hair, he smiled again and fell back to sleep. I pulled over and retrieved my phone. I searched up on maps, "hotels near me." I decided to go to 'BonHotel', and drove onto our destination.

We arrived about 5 minutes later. I parked the car and locked it leaving sleeping Steve. I entered the hotel and said to the woman at the front desk,

"Извините. Есть ли номер открытой для двоих? Это своего рода незапланированной поездки, семьи чрезвычайной!" This means:  Excuse me. Is there a room open for two? This is sort of an unplanned trip, family emergency! I lied. 

"Да, да, конечно! Номер 45D ждет вас, имя Вашего бронирования, пожалуйста." Translated to: Yes, yes of course! Room 45D awaits you, a name for your reservation please.

"Аня Варенников." This is a Russian name, meaning: Anya Varennikov. I payed her for a one week stay, she handed me the keys. I walked out to the parking lot to get Steve and our belongings. I unlocked the passenger side door and opened it. 

"Steve were here, our room is ready." I said. He opened his eyes, franticly trying to a-just to the car's interior lights. 

"Uh okay." He said. We retrieved our stuff and waked back into the hotel, and up to our room. I unlocked our room and walked in to reveal a small room with a small sofa, TV, small kitchen area, small bathroom, and a 2 person bedroom which luckily had 2 small beds. I dropped my bag and flopped on the second bed in the room. I knew Steve would want to be closest to the door for security reasons. It felt good to finally rest a little. 

"Are you going to take a shower?" Steve asked.

"I planned on it yeah." I replied.

"Okay you can go first, place your order for room service before you get in the shower so when you get out it will be here, don't worry I'll pay." Steve said.

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