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As soon as he fed me, I started to have a strange feeling so I make him stop.

"Why? Is there any problem?" he asked.

"I'm not a kid anymore. I can eat by myself" I get the spoon on his hand and started eating by myself.

"Your not a kid but since you're sick these days, you're weaker than a kid. You need some help" he said.

"No need. I can take care of myself. Thanks for your concern on me" I smiled.

"Your welcome. Hope you'll get well tomorrow morning so we'll be able to have an outing with Chaeyoung" he said.

"Why are you still here? Aren't you going home now?" I asked.

"I'll be waiting until you finished your food so I can be sure that you eat" he said.

"I'll really eat it. No need to guard me" I said.

"I walk a long way from my house to visit you here. I'm not gonna waste my time. I'm free all the time.

After a few days, I feel fine.

—Christmas Eve—

Everyone is here right now and were happy playing loudly. I give my gifts to them and they give their girfts for me too. When its Suho's turn to give his present to me, he pulled me somewhere that there's no one except us.

"We know each other just in few weeks but I feel like whenever I'm with you, it doesn't seem like you're my friend. It feels horribly weird" he said.

"Why? Do you hate me? Don't you want me to be your friend? Its okay then. I still have some friends" I said sadly.

"No. That's not what I mean. I........... feel uhmmm........" he said nervously.

"What is it? Just go and tell me. I can understand any problems" I said.

"Minarii~ uhmmm..... I like you. I'm afraid you might ignore me if I confess. Now that I confess, you might not feel comfortable around me" he said trying to hide himself.

"Suho yahh~ How do you say that I'll ignore you? You know what? It looks like we're just sharing the same brain cells. Cause' I'm also afraid to say that I like you cause you might ignore me" I said hugging him tightly.

"So you mean.... you like me huh?" he smiled.

"You're smart right? So what do you think so?" I said.

"Be my girlfriend now?" he asked as he huggged me back.

"We're not yet even dating" I slapped him.

"No need to date since we already know each others feelings" he said smiling.

"Ok then but....I don't know how to said it to my relatives and friends. I'm so shy to say it to my parents since I have an older brother who's still single" I laughed.

"Then I do it for you" he said running to my parents.

I run quickly to interupt him. As soon as I caught him, he shouted loudly "Mina is my girlfriend whooo~!!"

I slapped him softly from the back as I felt shy to face them.

"Our Minarii have boyfriend now. You might forgot about us" Sana pouted.

"Why would I forget about you? You're my official girlfriends" she laughed.

We happily finished the party but before Suho leaved, my parents talked to him if he can lived with me for a while since I don't have any playmates in the house.

"Yeah! Sure! So.... Can I bring her home now? I want to know her more" Suho answered.

"Sure just go on" dad said.

We go out as we finished talking to my parents. We go through lots of parks and romantic places. We have a lot of fun and we really enjoyed a lot. 


"Will I really sleep in the same bed as you? Cause' this feels uncomfortable for me" I said not facing him.

"There's only one room here and you'll sleep with me since you're now my girlfriend" he said hugging me from the back.

"I don't know but I feel shy. Let' just sleep" I said turning off the lights.

—The End—

(This is my second story that I finished!)

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