Chapter 82

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"I'll leave you to it," Deb said instead. "If there's anything you need or if something's not right with the house, let me know."

"Will do. Thanks for stopping by." Lexa walked her to the front door and went with her onto the porch. "And don't worry about the pod. That's being picked up Tuesday."

She smiled. "I wasn't worried about it, but thanks for the heads-up. Have you met the neighbors yet?"

"Al and Tess on that side came by when we first started the pod party, but I met Shanice and Mike on the other side when I was here last month. Luis across the street came by briefly this morning, too." And he seemed super-queer.

"Good. They're all great people and they keep an eye on things."

"I got that feeling."

"This part of Polis is pretty tight-knit, students included, like Luis. It hasn't changed all that much since our college days, though a few of the houses that were mostly student rentals back then aren't anymore. And there are a few young families, too. Moira and Jessica down the block just had their second. Al and Tess have a young son, too."

"Clarke was telling me. She's reconned everything in a five-block radius of her house."

"That's no doubt true. But seriously. If you need anything, just let me know."

"I really appreciate that. And I'm really excited to be back in Polis and in such a great house."

"I'm glad you're in it, too. And now I have to go. Hope to see you and Clarke at the pub in the near future."

"Yeah, definitely. Take care."

She watched her walk to her SUV, thinking that she really could be Regina Mills' double.

Raven joined her on the porch and Lexa gave her a one-arm hug around her shoulders.

"Thanks, Raves."

"Any time. And you seem to be okay with all this help that you generally have a hard time asking for."

"Maybe I just can't say no to you."

"Aww. Don't worry. Many have tried, and failed."

She laughed and gave her another squeeze. "Also, Octavia gave one of those beers to Lincoln and the other to Jasper. She's sticking with sparkling water."

"Good. Because I was going to be really bummed that our theory about her was wrong. Although I guess she could have some other health issue."

"I don't think so. She'd tell us if she had something like that going on that wasn't pregnancy-related."

"I hope she would. Clarke thinks she'll be announcing soon, as long as everything is okay."

"Depending on when she found out for sure she was pregnant—and again, evidence is still circumstantial—that could be soon."

"We're gonna be aunties," Raven said, almost giggling, and leaned into her, since Lexa's arm was still around her shoulders. "You'll make a great one."

"So will you."

"Hell, we can all be parents for this kid."

Lexa smiled. "Kinda makes me feel way too adult, thinking about being a parent for anybody's kid."

"Whatever," Raven said. "You'll be great at it, no matter whose kid."

The front door opened and Harper leaned out. "Burgers are up. Anya wants to know what kind of cheese you want, Raven. Clarke has about ninety kinds."

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