A bad impression

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I woke up at 6 am in the morning, did some exercises at home (no zumba gurl, dont even think of it) and preparing my breakfast when a notification popped out on my phone.

It's her.

Yes, I created one specific notif JUST for her.
I know! Stop telling me that, I'M WHIPPED.

Cha Jooeun:
Kyungpyo-ssi, good morning. See you at the location.

So simple,
a simple message from her got me smiled for no reason early in the morning. I know, today will be a very good day to me, uhm both of us, maybe?

I almost burnt my eggs.
Damn. I gotta get dressed asap.

But... because of the eggs, I forgot to reply to her morning message and go straight to take a shower and changed.
An hour or so, later
I ignored her.

Stupid me!

Seohyun's POV

Today is the first day of shooting, I've read the script for episode 2. This is the day when I will meet Lee Junghwan.
I need to build a very good chemistry with him since he is my husband in this drama, oh well, as for now, it is still husband to be.

Should I text him first? I have watched some of his work online, his youtube videos and fanmade videos, he is a nice guy.
Maybe it's a good idea to just greet him before we meet at the location.
People said he is a nice guy.

(Keyboard sounds)
Kyungpyp-ssi, good morning. See you at the location.

That was my short message. Nothing special, I just want him to know that I dont mind to do the approaching since we will be a partner for few months.

Looking at the past, I had a very bad relationship with my drama partner, he was desperate because of the character he played and I couldn't help him overcome his thoughts. I feel guilty for not being helpful.
That should not happen if I can put more concern to everyone in that drama.
Well, this is my new drama after 2 years, so
Let's be friends with everyone.
Let's start it with Kyungpyo.

Few mins passed.
There was no reply
He read that.

Well, is he mad? Ah, maybe he is in the middle of doing something.
I should wait a little longer, meanwhile let me feed Poppo.

Poppo yaaaaaaaaaa; she started to take care of Princess Poppo,her cute little dog.

It's been more than 1 hour. There is no reply, yet.

Should I text him more?
But, how if he doesnt like me texting him in the first place?
I began to think in a negative way.
He might be cute, but
At some point.
He is rude!
I'll mark him! How dare he didnt reply to my message.

Girls Generation.
I even have many idol fanboys.
Who the heck he think he is?


10 am later that day
Kyungpyo was in the car on his way to the location.
"Hyung, what do you think the girls gonna do when we didnt reply to their message?".

Manager hyung confusingly looked at him through the dashboard mirror,
" Did you fail to reply to some girls? That is fine tho. Why should you reply if you dont feel like to? We are men. We do what we want. No girls rule us".

"But hyung, It was Seohyun's message. I forgot to reply to her message this morning".

The car shakes to the left and right for a second, kyungpyo then shouted from behind "Hyuuuuuung, drive safely, would you? I have lots of scenes to do today".

"You shocked me, I didnt know if it was seohyun. How on earth did you do that? You should reply her in 10 seconds. She is the star of this drama if you wanna know". Manager hyung kinda yelled from his driver seat.

"I know hyung, that is why I ask you. What do you think she will do to me in the location today. I didnt intentionally do it. I was cooking and I forgot to reply because of my eggs. I guess, I'm in trouble now". Kyungpyo sighed.

'Yes, you are, EGGS!". His manager replied softly.

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