Chapter 5

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Ocean flicked her tail. "That wasn't.. I couldn't.." she mumbled. "It was..Something.. happened to her." Stitchez barked at Ocean. "Well as much as that's a problem. We have something else at the matter right now." Hearts stumbled up and Rain walked him into the healer's den. "Rain! I'll need your help." Stitchez ears perked. "I will need yours too Stitchez common" Rain scouted Hearts on a stack of hay before following. As they neared Oceans den they saw Overcast and Bad Flower, they wore banges but looked alright. They stared at Rain and Stitchez before smiling and giving a small wave. Sun lay by Ocean's den. "You found them, good. Can I go back and help Overcast and Bad Flower now. They won't say a thing and it is driving me insane!" Sun complained. "Fine, but if one speaks, calls us over" She growled at him as he padded off. "There not talking?" Rain butted in. "We found them outside of camp and they won't say a thing of how they got out of the underworld. Now come on." Ocean pulled back the vines covering her den, Inside was HeavyDirtySoul and two other wolves. One with long hair covering her eyes, with a cactus on her head. Based on her colors she looked like a tundra wolf and the other wolf was a dark colored one with medium long hair, he had stitches on one of his legs the other leg had been amputated. "WHAT IS HE DOING HERE!" Stitches growled. "Calm yourself. As of now they mean no harm." Ocean raised her paw blocking stitches from attack. "Why hello there! I'm Tumbleweed! And this is Toony!" The one with a cactus on her head said. "Tumbleweed, these are strangers we are clearly not welcome. Don't sound happy." The male, known as Toony replied. "Wow. I'm hurt." Tumbleweed turned to him and barked sarcastically. "I know" Toony ran his paw through the small wolf's hair. "HEY!"Tumbleweed pulled away, and for a quick second you could see her eyes, they were a bright green.

HeavyDirtySoul stood up and growled, "Can I explain why I did what I did?" Stitchez spat back, "No you can not! No excuse would be enough to suit the damage you've done!" Rain narrowed her eyes before speaking, "Let him explain real quick, then we can choose what to do with it." Stitchez nodded so HeavyDirtySoul said, "I did this to protect my brother." Stitchez let out a snort of laughter, "From what? Us?" HeavyDirtySoul glared at him, "No. I was protecting him from Your dad." Rain shook her head to clear it, "I don't believe you. Why would he want anything to do with a stuttering, depres- er- anxious wolf like Overcast?" HeavyDirtySoul shrugged but Rain Toony and Tumbleweed could see he was lying. Sun sighed, "Now isn't the time for this!" Rain nodded and bumped into Stitchez hinting him to do the same. He sighed, rolled his eyes, then followed her example. HeavyDirtySoul sat down and gestured for Tumbleweed and Toony to do the same. This is going to take a while. Might as well relax before I get killed, HeavyDirtySoul thought. "Listen, I'm assuming the stitched up boy is Stitchez so hear me out." Stitchez ear perked. "Your sister is in need of help now" "What do you mean" Stitchez snapped back. "Judging by a huge black tornado that came out of nowhere. I think you already know." "EXPLAIN" Stitchez growled stepping further towards him. Tumbleweed butted in quickly. "What is said is that scar has her?"

"Who?" Rain butted in once more. "When Glatica became a god a wolf known as scar got jealous searched for magic and became the living essence of dark and evil unlike Galactica the goddess of light and-" "I don't need a history lesson!" Stitchez snapped. Tumbleweed ears shot back and she raised her paws over her head, "YOU CAN'T YELL AT TUMBLEWEED!!" Toony shot in front of her,shoving Stitchez back. "Everyone calm down" rain said hoping into the middle. "I thought Scorch was pure evil? Who is this scar?" "You-you thought-you think Scorch is the pure evil" Toony barked laughing. HeavyDirtySoul silently sat in the corner. Loud thunder came from outside. "Sorry but we have to go. NOW!" Toony growled, going to walk out the door. "You can not leave, you are an underworld slave of Scorch and know info about Pipet and this Scar." Ocean barked "Underworld? We have no pack." Tumbleweed added. HeavyDirtySoul sighed, "I-I would like to help. I know what they did to her." Rain sat in front of HeavyDirtySoul, "Why would you help us?" HeavyDirtySoul looked at his paws then into Rain's eyes, "I don't want to be his slave anymore. I would like to protect my brother on the right team this time.Also it's unfair one person has to go through the pain Scorch is doing right now." Rain could tell he wasn't lying. Ocean looked at HeavyDirtySoul then spoke, "I'll have to speak about it with the others." Stitchez growled and turned to Ocean, "YOU'RE REALLY CONSIDERING HAVING THIS PATHETIC TRAITOR BACK INTO OUR PACK?!?!?!??!?!" HeavyDirtySoul got up and headed towards Toony, and Tumbleweed and mumbled, "Move im leaving." Toony rolled his eyes and flicked his tail, flinging HeavyDirtySoul to the back of the wall. "I presume you've met my pack. They left because of ancient blah blah. It's pay back time! And since you are supposed to be the rebels? Then that's why we're here. Don't let that joke discard us as well." Toony growled. "Besides when you fight against blood benders your helpless but we can help!" Tumbleweed added cheerfully. Stitchez blink before looking a HeavyDirtySoul wobbling to his paws. "Thats is a good point." Rain added. "For real? Where's you bloooooooooOOOOOOOOoooood bender marks huh!? ONE ARM COULD BE USING MAGIC" Stichez growled. "burh, arm has been chopped off where do you think it is, man, he's mentaly unstable? "Toony groaned. "Oh yeah and what about you Cactus head!?" Stitches turned to Tumbleweed. "I recommend you don't look into my eyes" Tumbleweed shut her eyes and flips her hair up. On her left eye the blood bender marking was there. Toony quickly flipped her hair down. "He saw it" he barked. "Why cant i look at you eyes HUH!?" "Ever heard of being encased in stone," "I DO, it's uncomfortable.." Rain mumbled. "Well then dont look in my eyes" "What?" "If I stare at you or something like that you turn to stone" "You literally don't know your own backstory" "I've never done it, as a pup I was told not to stare at wolves and wear my like this or I'd wear something over my eyes." Tumbleweed added one more remark in a sarcastic tone. "Sometimes, I feel like destroying the planet" "THE PLANET! THAT'S A LIEEEE" Stitchez howled. Ocean shoved Stichez aside. "Is he alright?" Tumbleweed added,looking at a completely mad Stitchez. "Just a moment, Rain makes sure HeavyDirtySoul.. You know..didn't Get hurt? " "yeah whatever" Rain marched over helping heavy dirty souls stand straight. "Oh yeah sorry Soul." Toony added stretching. Ocean dragged Stitchez out of her den. She pulled his tail dragging him through the mud. "Lemme go OCEAN!" Sun stood in the cover with Overcast and Bad Flower, they looked over confused and scared. Ocean dropped his tail and growled. "What are you doing!? What's wrong with you! The sound of distant thunder shot through the camp, along with pouring rain. "I don't know, maybe the fact that you're considered to let enemies in our pack! Or maybe that my sister has become some shadow god things pet!" Ocean looked behind Stitchez as Toony and Tumbleweed marched out of the den. Rain sat silently next to Overcast. "I hate you" he mumbled. "Same here" she growled back. Ocean leaped over Stitchez. "Where are you going to release Rain?" Ocean ordered. "AHEM" HeavyDirtySoul growled. "Him too" ocean groaned rolling her eyes. "Oh yeah here's your weird wolf wolf hybrid thingy" Tumbleweed lifted Rain in the air and placed her down in front of Ocean and released her control. "So violating.." Rain stuterd standing up and walking behind Ocean. "I'm afraid we have to take sunshine" Toony barked as Tumbleweed was about to place him down in front of ocean. "Wha-" she stopped "Oh yes" she elevated HeavyDirtySoul of the ground. "NO no.... Wait" Hevydirtysoul cried. "Let them have him" Stitches growled. "Where late we enjoyed meeting with you will be back" Toony added. His eyes a flaming glow. "NO WAIT" ocean cried trying to move as the raced off the camp site. After a while the magic cut out and the wolves could move again. "Not asking, not asking..." Suns remarked walking to his den staring at the ground, his hood was up to try to keep him decent dry. 

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