Chapter 7

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 Overcast back away into the shadows crying. Hearts picked up the tattered cloak and put it on still crying. Rain went over to pull it off Hearts but they backed away so Rain stopped. Stitchez turned to Ocean and stuttered out incoherently, "H-how- Wh-what-" Ocean shook her head and spoke to everyone, "We shall sit in silence for now." Pipet sighed and looked at them annoyed that they forgot her. Stitchez looked up at the sky, "uhhh what about Pipet?" Ocean looked up at the sky also and her ears dropped, "I forgot about her....... Uhhhh we need someone to stop her." A shot of thunder roared and Pipet vanished. "Where did she go?!" Hearts muttered in fear. "Each of you in patrol groups! And guard our territory, Hearts and Rain will head to the fire packs territory with news of Pipet in help" The wolves surrounding Ocean nodded. Ocean took one last look at Sun. "Bu-but sun." Rain added. "I will not lose more," Ocean barked, walking to her den. Stichez began walking out of camp, Overcast and Riptide followed him. As they walked along the muddy ground the soft rain became bolts of lightning. "She's gotta be over here. I mean this storm seems to follow her." Riptide added as they trailed towards a clearing. The clearing had old stone structures and caves, it was an abandoned wolf pack camp. "This has been extremely old!" Riptide added hoping over looking at the dusty camp. "Stay focused Riptide. Where looking for my sister, not a history field trip" Stitches growled. "This might be important." Overcast barking finally speaking, he pointed to the old rock formation that had fallen in the middle of the camp. Stitches grumbled over looking at the formation before letting out a gasp, "This was the old moon stone which means." Riptide added. "This was the pack of the night" Stitches mumbled in amazement. "We can finally figure out their past! And who their alpha was an-" Riptide was cut off. "Glatica ruled both packs." Overcast mumbled. "N-no she didn't.." Stitchez barked, raising his paw on his head. "There were leaders before Glatica was born..." "well yes" Overcast said in agreement. Stitchez turned his head, staring at what seemed to be the leader's den. The den called to him in a strange way. As Overcast and Riptide studied the fallen moonstone Stitchez snuck away slowly walking into the dark cave. It has a weird dirty ground and unlit time-forgotten candles on the side of the walkway. As he neared the end of the cave there was a big rock for the lead to sit upon and two smaller rocks on either side, most likely for their mate and child. On the alphas rock there was blood stained in the shape of a moon, now that Stitchez realized it, he could see bloody moons all over the den walls. Stitches leaped onto the huge rock. A dark blue painted paw lit up as he did. Stitches stared at it confused. Riptide and Overcast rushed after him. "This is creepy, why are you in here!" Riptide barked, getting onto one of the low rocks. The blue paw on that one lit up. Stitches looked at the last rock, a blueprint was there but not yet light up. "Overcast get on that rock." Stitchez ordered. Riptide sat down at Stichez remarked. "This seems like a bad idea.." Overcast mumbled slowly stepping onto the rock. The last paw print lit up and the blood painted moon on the alpha rock lit up. "Thats it? A bloody painty light up-" Riptide was cut off. The cave began to glow, all the paints lighted up and the dusty candles went alight as well. "Stitchez..." Overcast groaned in fear. Once more Stitchez was called to the pawprint. "Step on the print" Stitchez ordered lining his paw up with the painting. The other two did the same and a big bast of blue appealed knocking them out.

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