Chapter 10

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Emily was having the most wonderful dream.

JJ's warm tongue licking her between her legs, swallowing the copious amounts of damp fluid there and murmuring appreciative noises that vibrated throughout her core. JJ experimenting with her tongue until she'd discovered that perfect spot, that small pearl hidden in the oyster, flicking against it in a mixture of brief and long strokes, hitting it repeatedly until Emily was almost there, until she wanted to beg for it but found herself unable to open her mouth ...

Until her eyes suddenly flew open and, as her fuzzy vision adjusted itself, she was shocked to discover it wasn't a dream at all.

JJ was actually between her legs, her tongue lapping with complete abandon, her eyes focused on what she was doing, seemingly unaware that Emily had awakened and was on the verge of a tremendous orgasm. The visual of JJ's furrowed brow concentrating on licking her there, combined with the exquisite sensation of her tongue hitting the right spot over and over again, sent those first shockwaves throughout her body, legs trembling, as she came against JJ's mouth, unable to stop the low wail of pleasure accompanying each incredible throb, each shuddering convulsion.

When JJ glanced up at Emily, the expression on her face was a mixture of surprise, shame, and satisfaction. "I thought you were asleep ..." JJ started to explain, turning her head away so Emily couldn't see her guilty blue eyes underneath her blonde hair.

"But ... why, JJ?" Emily asked. "Why?"

JJ was nearly shaking with fear or with regret when she responded in a voice so low Emily had to strain to hear it. "I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking about tasting you. I thought maybe if I did it when you were asleep, it wouldn't count."

These games. Emily was so fucking sick of these stupid games. "Wouldn't count toward what, JJ? Wouldn't count toward the number of check marks listed under 'things lesbians do'?"

"I'm not a lesbian!" JJ insisted loudly. "It's only you! You made me do these things!"

"I didn't make you do anything and you know it," Emily retorted, her dark eyes flashing with anger. "I didn't make you kiss me and I certainly didn't make you wait until I was asleep before you ate me out."

She'd used the crudest term possible, and it worked. JJ flinched like she'd been physically struck. "No, I mean ... these feelings ... I never would have had these feelings if it wasn't for you! You've ruined everything. You've ruined me!"

"I'm sorry you feel that way," Emily responded quietly. "Maybe I should just drive you home so you can throw your clothes into the washing machine and take a shower before Will wakes up."

JJ nodded, wiping away the tears streaming down her face. "Maybe you should."

"And maybe we should both forget that this ever happened and go back to being friends like before," Emily added dispassionately. Her heart was screaming No! Don't let her get away! Seduce her back into your arms, you idiot! but her brain was smarter than that. Her brain knew that no matter whether they spent one night or one hundred nights together, JJ would never leave Will to be in a same-sex relationship. Not even if she'd truly felt those feelings she'd claimed to feel right before she'd pressed her lips against Emily's for the first time in that bathroom downstairs, less than 24 hours ago and yet also, somehow, a lifetime ago.

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