Chapter 8

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JJ exhaled deeply. "I want to ... I want to feel you ... How is it that you have this ... this effect ... on me ..."

Emily leaned down and pushed JJ's panties to one side, both women shivering in delight as their warm, damp heat met directly. Grinding harder and faster, humping clit-to-clit, Emily whispered, "You're so wet ... You're so fucking wet."

"I'm wet for you," JJ murmured in response, kissing Emily's mouth greedily as her body continued to gyrate up and down against her lover's. "Only for you."

Emily reached one hand between them, tracing two fingers along JJ's slit, leaning back for a moment to suck the dripping juices away. "Let me taste you there," she practically begged. "Please let me taste you there."

The expression that crossed JJ's face was one of longing mixed with fear. "But what if ... if I don't ... what if I can't ..."

"There's no pressure," Emily reassured her. "If you don't like it, I'll stop. I've just dreamed about it, fantasized about it, for so long - and your taste is driving me absolutely crazy, JJ. Didn't you feel it, pressed up against me? Didn't you feel that gush of wetness when I licked you off my fingers?"

JJ nodded, still visibly conflicted.

"I'll go slow," Emily promised, waiting for JJ to whisper her assent.

And slow she went. First removing JJ's panties and then crouching down to draw long strokes across the skin directly above her damp, matted fur, her inner thighs, smiling to herself when JJ widened her legs and arched her back in the air like a kitten, breathing heavily. She took her time, using her tongue on JJ's outer labia before switching back to her inner thighs and her lower abdomen.

When Emily lightly moved her tongue along JJ's wet heat, purposefully avoiding contact with her clitoris, it was JJ who cried out for more, shoving her body downward and placing her hands on the back of Emily's head, for only a moment, before apologizing breathlessly, "I'm sorry ... that's something guys do ... I didn't mean to ..."

Emily looked up at JJ from between her legs, briefly flicking her tongue against JJ's clit and eliciting a low growl of excitement. "It's something everyone does when they want more. Do you ..." - Emily paused to repeat the same brief flick of her tongue against JJ's swollen clit - "... want more? Tell me, JJ, do you want more?" followed by yet another flick, with more strength and pressure this time.

"Yes," JJ hissed longingly, in a voice so low Emily could barely hear her.

"Then tell me," Emily demanded, her tongue lapping against JJ's clit several times while JJ writhed above her. "Tell me you want more."

She held her hands against JJ's labia, leaving her enlarged clit exposed, teasing it with several brief yet forceful movements of her tongue when she heard JJ cry out, "Yes, I want more! I want more!"Softly, expertly, Emily sucked on JJ's clit, holding her tongue still against the most sensitive area to make sure she was hitting the perfect spot. When she heard the whimpers and gasps above her, she knew she'd found it and, removing her lips, pushed her tongue against that spot, licking at it over and over again until her tongue began to ache from the effort. JJ's legs were trembling but she was still trying to hold back, still refusing to give herself over entirely to the sensation. So Emily decided to gamble and inserted two fingers into JJ's dripping wet pussy, curling them forward and feeling that soft, striated tissue respond immediately to her pulsating fingertips by growing larger and tougher, like a water balloon primed to burst.

JJ let out a long, throaty wail as Emily continued to stimulate her G-spot while returning to flick her tongue against JJ's clit. And then she could feel it. JJ's cunt tightening around her fingers while Emily continued her linguistic acrobatics against her clit. She was so close. "Come for me, baby," Emily urged, increasing the speed and pressure of her tongue and her fingers, murmuring "mmmmmhhhhh" against her, knowing the vibrations would send her over the edge.

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