Chapter 39

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Breathing heavily, tears in her eyes, JJ kissed Emily forcefully, eventually breaking away to whisper "thank you" while tracing Emily's pouty lower lip with one finger. The finger she'd just used to make herself come. JJ knew the mere scent would drive Emily wild - and she was right. The look in Emily's eyes as she inhaled deeply and opened her mouth to lick that finger with her tongue was one of a starving animal desperate to feast on its prey.

But not this time. No, this time JJ was going to show Emily a thing or two. It was time to prove just how well her teacher's "lessons" had been perfected by the innocent and inexperienced student.

JJ flipped Emily over with ease and, in one swift move, unbuttoned and unzipped her pants, pulling them off along with her panties. "What happened to foreplay?" Emily murmured throatily, trying to disguise her excitement at JJ's boldness.

"I want to taste you so much right now. Do you remember the first time you had your favorite desert and then you just wanted to eat it all the time? It's like that," JJ whispered, kissing Emily's stomach. "Besides, don't tell me you're not wet." She inserted two fingers into Emily's slick pussy, eliciting a whimper, and said, with smug satisfaction, "I thought so."

JJ didn't bother starting with the slow and languorous licks like she usually did, instead sucking on Emily's clit while swirling her tongue and applying pressure on the most sensitive area, her fingers moving in and out of Emily's pussy at the same rapid-fire pace as her mouth and tongue. She was downright hungry for Emily in a way she'd never been before.

Less than two minutes passed before JJ felt Emily's inner walls tighten against her fingers, along with that tell-tale throb against her tongue. JJ responded by sucking even harder and pulsing her fingers forcefully against Emily's G-spot. Seconds later, she heard Emily cry out, "Oh, my God, JJ ... I'm gonna come ... I'm gonna come so hard ..."

And hard she did. JJ quickly lost count of the number of Emily's orgasms, the number of times Emily came against her mouth and fingers, fluid gushing out of her and soaking JJ's arm all the way down to her elbow. Even Emily's legs, which had been in the butterfly position, were now wrapped around the back of JJ's head, quaking and quivering and drawing JJ even closer to her - as if it were possible, at this point, to be any closer.

When those throbs became erratic and Emily disentangled her legs from behind JJ's head, JJ knew Emily had reached her breaking point and, after withdrawing her fingers, carefully and gently licked Emily clean, swallowing the copious amounts of her tart, tangy wetness, eventually sticking her tongue inside of Emily to greedily ingest the remainder.

When JJ raised her head, Emily's eyes were closed in complete bliss. "My god, that was incredible," she exhaled softly, her breathing labored. "I love you so much, Jennifer Jareau."

"I love you more, Emily Prentiss," JJ responded, prepared to climb up next to her and hold her in a tight embrace until Emily had recovered fully from her intense multiple orgasms. She had just leaned back on her knees when she heard a voice from behind. A familiar, unmistakable voice with a New Orleans accent that prompted her to freeze in utter disbelief.

"Well, well. What do we have here?"

Emily's eyes flew open and there he was. There was Will, who had somehow been able to track them down and had been standing behind them and watching for an unknown amount of time, with his arms crossed and a purely vicious and absolutely terrifying expression of violence on his face.

I'm sorry to leave you on a cliffhanger like this but your just have to wait and see what happens next

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