Chp 2.

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It has been about 2 years since the Scarlet Devil was introduced to the world.  He brought a sense of fear into villains all over japan. Anyone the Scarlet devil faced was arrested. He brought crime rates down by 30 percent in japan. He encountered several pros in his crusade including All might, Endeavour, Eraserhead, Present Mic, Midnight, and others. But one day, he was out in the middle of the city on a rooftop.

Izuku:"Why must there never be crime when I'm on duty?"

Izuku heard something behind him and dodges whatever projectile is incoming with a side flip. He faces his target to see Eraserhead.

Izuku:"Greetings Aizawa. Is it 5 already?"
Eraserhead:"I can't tell if you're cocky or dead serious."
Izuku:"I don't have a watch, I genuinely don't know the time."
Eraserhead:"How are you the number 1 vigilante?"
Izuku:"I get results. Also, times up."

Izuku activates his time stop and runs around Eraserhead and kicks him in the back.
He resumes time and Eraserhead falls down.

Izuku:"Hows the class? I heard about the exams. Quite a fascinating group you have this year."
Eraserhead:"That's why I'm here actually."
Eraserhead:"Give up being a vigilante and come to UA. You'll have no consequences and be in my class."
Eraserhead:"That's the answer I expected. Well then I have to arrest you."

When Aizawa looks again the Scarlet Devils already gone.


After the sun sets and the full moon arises, Izuku's on top of another roof. This one much, much, much higher. He used his time stop and knives to jump to the top. There's no possible way Eraserhead could make it here.

Izuku:"So... What now?"

He hears a faint scream that gets louder and louder every second.

Izuku:"What in the devil is that noise?"

It's getting close and closer.

Izuku:"Oh shit."

A large blast of fire is shot at Izuku almost burning and destroying the building he's on.

Izuku:"It's like you're trying to kill everyone in the city. What do you want Endeavour?"
Endeavour:"Do not speak villain! You shall be brought down today!"
Izuku:"Villain? Well I guess this is happening now. Just know one thing. This is when I'm strongest. Under the moon of a flowering night."

Play music

Izuku's blood red eyes shine even brighter as Izuku his quirk under the moon light, causing him to look even more menacing than any normal day. He had a cold stare as Endeavour rushes in to try and hit The devil. Izuku dodges a left hook, than a right, then another left all without any real effort. Endeavour launches a burst of flames at his opponent who dodges with a flip launching him straight over the flame. Endeavour then launches a continuous flame that tries to track the Scarlet Devil while he runs around the rooftop. After he stops, The devil finally makes his move. He pauses time for a brief moment and sends one single knife towards endeavour. When time resumes Endeavour barely dodges the knife until the sound of glass shattering makes him looks at where it hit. A fire extinguisher on the roof. It was common practise to have fire extinguishers everywhere just in case of emergency fires. However, Our devil used it to spray Endeavour with the foam making it lower his body temperature due to the cold. He could no longer make fire since it relied on body heat.

Endeavour:"Argh! What the hell brat?!"
Izuku:" Your quirk relies on body heat. So I lowered it. Now. Enjoy your time trapped."

Izuku pauses time and puts two extremely sharp needle into endeavours legs at exact pressure points so he won't be able to move for a while. Then he resumes time and looks at his enemy.

Izuku:"Did that hurt at all? I'm really sorry if it did. It's only meant to stun you."
Endeavour:"Going to pawn me off brat? The number 2 hero has its prices, im aware."
Izuku:"Nah. Imma leave you here."

Endeavour looks at his opponent.

Izuku:"I mean you already can't move, so what's the point in hurting you more. Don't have the motivation. I just want to be a hero. But unfortunately people look down on true justice. See ya."

He gives a peace sign and jumps off the roof, stopping time to jump across with some knives.

Stop music

When Izuku arrives home he goes into his room to fund something he never noticed before in his mother's bedside drawer. A pocket watch with a letter on it.

Happy 15th birthday Izuku! I'm so proud of everything you've accomplished over the years! I'm giving you our family heirloom. It's a pocket watch that stores the energy of the time stopped to release it in a burst of energy! It can also be used to harness your abilities even further! It can help you keep track of the time! But more impressively, it can be used to give you an accurate count down of how much frozen time you have left! Become the hero I know you can be. Love you.


Izuku stares at the pocket watch. It was an item passed down through the generations of Midoryas. Izuku took the pocket watch and put it on his bedside table getting cozy in his bed, a single tear running down his right eye.

Izuku:"Happy birthday to me..."

Time hero: Scarlet devil [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now