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Hello everyone, how are you doing and happy new month. I do hope you are all doing well and fine.
I just have a few annoucemnets to make.

Originally, this is supposed to be fourth book out of five books of the Being A Teen Series. But now this is going to be the last book of this series. Yeah, you heard that right; the last series.

I have a lot of books in my head and I can't wait to share it with you guys. I'm really excited and I hope you all will share my excitement with me.

We are going to be getting a lot of series. I won't mention but you can take wild guesses. But the next series after this series is  THE EMOTIONAL TEENS SERIES. 

This series as the names entails is showing to be about teenagers who had or have gone through emotional and traumatic experiences.

Now everyone reading this will agree with me that teengehood isn't just about going to school, writing exams and passing. We experience the most complicated experiences during this 'hood' and a lot of times; a lot of teenagers do not scale through.

A lot of us gets depressed and yeah get sucidial thoughts. I really look forward to this series because it concerns a whole lot of us. A whole lot of teenagers out there.

I'm going to be publishing the first book of the TETs in a bit so I anticipate your support. Only the Chapter One would be posted and be continued by next year.

As for other series, time will reveal all of them, I just want your support. Just grab your popcorns and your coke.


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