Giving Up

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"Leave my loneliness unbroken"

― Edgar Allan Poe, The Raven


Cassius POV

The next morning when we woke up I told Rin to get ready for school and that I'd be staying home because my back hurt. Little did she know, I was going to give that piece of shit hell. By the time I left my room to get something to eat I wasn't expecting to run into my father talking to someone on the phone, " I don't know how much are you willing to pay me for it, this isn't something I'm willing to pass on to someone else so easily, make it worth my time."

I didn't expect him to stop speaking when I made my presence known. Instead, that's exactly what he did, not saying anything to the person on the other end he immediately cuts the call, shoving his phone in his back pocket.

"You hear anything boy?"


Not waiting to see if he believed me or not, I quickly grabbed ingredients to make myself food. Once it was done cooking I placed it on a plate and brought the pan over to the sink to rinse it out, sneaking a look to the side I saw my dad checking his phone back turned to me. Before I could second guess my decision I swung the pan at his head. Catching him by surprise he stumbled forward a few steps trying to regain his balance, before he could I kicked him in the back of the knees. Forcing him to the ground I stand behind him, grabbing him by the hair. I yank it back, making our gazes meet anger clashing between shock.

"You think what you did last night to my sister is gonna slide, nu-uh not on my watch, you do that to her again and I'm gonna kill you. I've held back long enough, but no longer will I sit on the sidelines and watch you do this to my sister."

My words are harsh as I whisper into his ear, it's silent when he continues to just look into my eyes. Disgusted by the look in his eyes, the pure evilness that swirls in them promised a world of pain if I let my guard down. And let my guard down, without a moment's notice I somehow ended up on the ground, my father's knee painfully digging into my back painfully. My wounds that were not yet fully healed were forced to reopen once more. I groaned out in pain as he dug his knee in more and more a sardonic grin on his face. Leaning down until his mouth was next to my ear, warm breath fanning over the side of my face.

"You've got a lot of guts boy, and here I thought the last lesson would have taught you some sense but I guess not and you know what, you just earned yourself another one."

"You think I care anymore, whatever you do to me can be worse than anything you've do-" A hard quick was sent right into my side and I swore I heard a crack, the wind was knocked out of me as I gasped for breath. But that didn't stop him as he sent two or three stomps down right in the middle of my back further messing up the cuts on my back. At this point, if e continued I just knew he'd break my spine, but by some miracle- if you could call it that- he stopped and grabbed me by the hair and dragged my damaged body down the stairs to the basement.



This cant be all I can do

Has all the hard work I've put in only amounted to this

All these thoughts swirl through my head as he drags me down the stairs, my body limp, helpless to do anything. Reaching the bottom he closes the door and drags me over to the metal table, strapping me down he drags a metal cart over to him.

I freak when I see what's on the cart, needles upon needles and vials of different liquids all placed next to each other. Along with scalpels among other things, straining against the shackles I flail my arms and legs attempting to free myself but to no avail, my actions are all in vain.

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