| Chapter 23 |

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"nooooooo," I respond, deciding to ignore Felix.

As I rolled over I bumped into something, someone.

I opened my eyes to see Hyunjin gazing down at me.

"Good morning Princess," He whispered.

"Good morning Jinnie," I curled closer to him and closed my eyes again.

"Y/N-ah!" Felix called again, this time closer. I opened my eyes just a sliver to see him standing by the bed.

"What are you doing here?" I complained.

"Well you haven't texted me and it's 11 am, forgive me for thinking you died." His hands on his hips, he noticed Hyunjin and giggled a bit.

"Oh this is cute," He got his phone out and took a photo.

"Send that to me," Hyunjin said from behind me.


"Because I need a new phone wallpaper."



After getting up I said goodbye to Hyunjin and left with Felix, he had a dance practice and I promised him I'd come.

Hyunjin was there when we got there.

"What the fu-" 

"Finish that sentence I dare you," Chris called.

"-dge," I finished after a second, badly censoring myself.

"I had to drop Yeji off at her friend's house before coming here," Hyunjin explained.

"Alright let's go guys!" Chris said, getting up from his sitting position.

On the way here, Felix had explained he was on a dance team, I had nodded absently for most of it, but apparently the boys were also on the team. They were pretty popular on social media and went by the name Stray Kids.

As some of the members liked to write music, the other guys had helped with recording and now they were essentially a music group.

A/N So basically how they are now but more of a social media thing and less of an official group,  still an official group though.

I was here now because they needed help with dance practice. JYP Entertainment had scouted the group as a whole recently and was now sponsoring their comebacks so they had more money to work with. They weren't officially signed but they may as well be. None of the boys had training but JYP was ok with that. The group had started as a fun sponsor but now they were transitioning to a full blown group.

"Y/N-ah just sit there and tell us anything that looks off ok?" Felix asked. I nodded before sitting down in the center of the front mirror.

After about half an hour, the door opened. Revealing a man with short black hair that I immediately knew as JYP, who waved to the boys.

The boys waved back, bowing.

A/N I know I'm doing a bad job explaining everything but basically everything is in Korean (I'll go back and add honorifics) And they're in korea and I explained the group situation ok? Any questions please comment here and I'll answer the best I can.

I watched as the boys took comments from the man and nodded eagerly on what they could improve on, the scene was very happy.


Thanks! short chapter today and I'm sorry it's so confusing.

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