Chapter 17

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if your asking me if i miss you then i'm sure the answer is no.

oh stop lying to yourself, you know you do i won't tell 🤫😉

i'm assuming ur one of my exes

just like your precious little wifey, who we all know won't last longer than a year, you don't need to know who i am so stop asking.

leave her alone

is that all Post Malone has to say to protect the love of his life is leave her alone? how pathetic.

if you do one thing to hurt her i swear to god. how did you even know she was telling people you texted her

what are you going to do to me Post? you don't even know who i am. and i wouldn't worry about us hurting her, if anyone hurts her it will be you.

and don't worry my sources are closer than you think. nighty night 😘

I felt myself becoming furious. I quickly blocked the unknown number in Savvi's phone so they wouldn't be able to reach her again. But I wasn't dumb, if the person really was a group of people they had other numbers to use to get to her.

I laid back in bed and put my hands on top of my head. I would bet any money that this was one of my exes, or fuck all of them but I couldnt be sure. None of them ever referred to me as Post or Post Malone, it was either Austin or Posty.

And who would have the nerve to tell this person everything that was going on? I knew exactly what was happening. This person was trying to make me look bad and I would have to do everything in my power to stop it.

"Did ya miss me baby?" I heard Savannah's soft voice float across the room. Her face turning from happiness to concern in a matter of seconds.

I reached out my arm as she snuggled herself in it as I pulled her in close so she was laying on my left side half on me and half on the bed.

"Austin, what's wrong?" she asked, holding herself up with one arm that supported her head, her eyes dancing with my clear blue irises.

"First of all I'm sorry for picking up your phone. But I heard a phone buzz and saw that it was yours and that unknown number came up and I answered. I'm so sorry Savannah" I said wrapping both my arms around her and bringing her close to me.

"No Austin, it's fine. There is nothing to be sorry for. Relax baby" she said as I held her petite body close to mine, nuzzling my face in the crook of her neck.

"It isn't fine. Nothing about this is fine" I said feeling myself starting to get agitated with her for no reason.

"Austin look at me, please baby" she said, her voice pleading as she repositioned herself so she was sitting on top of me.

"Savannah, I'm so sorry this is all happening.  I feel like I know who it is but then they told me that their contact is closer then I think. Savannah that means one of my supposed fucking friends is telling this person all the information they need to ruin us. That's fucked up baby"

"I can't disagree with you Austin, that is pretty fucked up. But no one is going to ruin us. That is exactly what this person wants. And I know that I lost it before too, but as soon as you were with me you made me realize that we are strong enough to overcome this. We aren't going to let them tear us apart baby" she said as she ran her finger down my sword tattoo on my face.

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