// proud of me //

11 1 10

t/w: confused thoughts ; self degrading


how do i know if someone is proud of me ?

i try to imagine how it would feel like to make you proud, to be able to give you new that you wouldn't find some fault in .

criticism .

but that is something else, is it not ? 

i bring a good score home and i am interrogated by where i went wrong .

"right your wrongs," you say, "and do not make mistakes."

it is now my mind set .

anything less than perfect is not good enough .

and i want to blame her .

i want to scream at how she sets high standards .

i hate those expectations .

i hate her Prodigy .

Prodigy .

it is now my least favorite word .

i should not say this as it sounds demotivating, but the older children are meant to be examples for the young ones .

not vice versa .

her Prodigy makes that all so confusing .

i only get one question in my head :

"when will you be proud of me ?"

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