Chapter 2

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As she opened the door to the room she was greeted with a pale and sickly looking old man laying in the bed

She rushed to his side and held his hand

"I'm glad you are awake now, is your body alright?" he stated with a weak voice

Herain tried to get her voice straight and spoke with gentleness "I have already recovered grandfather and you should too"

As he gazed at the sweet smile of her granddaughter, tears started flowing out of his eyes

Herain panicked and said with a worried tone "What's wrong?, are you hurting somewhere?"

"I'm sorry for everything, I regret what I did" he stated while holding her hand

He smiled with a tear stained face "I was happy watching you grew up but I can never atone for the sins I have committed"

Herain was confused as she can't remember any unforgivable event her grandfather did to her

She forced an awkward smile as she said "I already forgave you grandfather, so you should just focus on getting your health back"

After visiting her grandfather, she walked out happily striding towards her room but suddenly stopped at the frontdoor

"Why do I suddenly have the chills?" she slowly turned the doorknob

Upon entering, a dark silhouette greeted her eyes

The back of the man facing her as he was gazing outside the window, standing with both of his hands on his pocket

Upon hearing her footsteps, he turned around and sent a deadly glare that sends shivers down her spine

She froze for a moment as she met the cold gaze of the man standing before her

Herain was totally captivated, her mind were running with a lot of thoughts

He was the very definition of a lady-killer, chiseled jawline, pointed nose, dark blue eyes that seems to pull you into abyss and having the most seductive lips ever

"Haven't I already told you never to have a single scratch on that body" he spoke with a threatening voice

'Even his deep voice is totally attractive, I can now wholeheartedly understand and agree why the original Herain was so attached to him' she thought to herself

Seeing as the girl was still not responding, he walked close leaving a 10cm distance between them

As he walked close, Herain was once again speechless seeing him up close

The strong scent of a man coming out from him keeps tingling her nostrils, it was such a temptation

He wore a black long sleeve folded up to his elbow which matches his fair white skin plus having such broad shoulders made him even more attractive

Having such firm and sturdy physique and is also over 6ft tall, this was completely the man of his dreams

It was like he came out from a work of art and it's making her knees wobble

28 years old, a smart and aloof business tycoon and a multi-billionaire who took over the business industry at the age of 18

'Rhaveir Wisteria, the great man before her'

A train of admirations was the only thing occupying on her mind at the moment

Herain cleared her throat and smiled as she asked "Why are you here?"

He walked past her and suddenly stopped at the door "The next time something like this happens again, I will lock you up"

Herain was surprised as to why does he care about her body

According to her memory this is the second time that this man personally came to see her, the first time was when she got hospitalized for getting a cut on the knee when she tripped

This man before her is a well-known cold-blooded boss in the business world and he came to visit her in the hospital, it just doesn't seem right

"That's wierd, you clearly do not like me but why show some concern?" Herain mumbled to herself

An idea suddenly came up to her, she turned around and smiled cunningly

"I can't assure you my safety but I'll be certain about it if you'll treat me to dinner"

He turned around and mockingly look at her "You're not even worth a second of my time"

Herain smiled sarcastically "Tell that to the person who had gone all the way here to personally visit me"

'I am a lawyer and 2 years older than you in my past life, you can't just easily outsmart me Mr. Dream Guy' she confidently thought

Before he can even reply to her, Herain immediately flash a smile and cheekily decided everything

"Then it's a deal, after I'm discharged here take me out for dinner and we'll discuss your terms" she stated

Herain walked past him and opened the door "Do you want me to see you out?"

He turned around and silently walked out of the room

As he got in the car he gaze outside, standing at the entrance of the building the girl was gazing at him smiling sweetly while waving her hand