Chapter 9

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After taking a wash and getting ready in bed, Herain grabbed the fluffy bear as she cuddles it

"Tomorrow is Saturday, what do you think I should do Rhavy?" she stated

She held the fluffy bear in front of her as she said "There are only few more weeks before I graduated and start planning on taking over Dazzle"

"After being thrown out, the only place I have been to is here and the school" she added

"Is this what it means to be a doll?, but I really wanted to travel outside the country though" she stated with a sigh

"I want to either go to Greece or Italy, they're such beautiful places Rhavy" she said as a yawn escaped her mouth

She laid on the bed as she slowly fall into a deep sleep

At the same time, Rhaveir was listening to Herain's voice as she was innocently talking at her stuffed bear

He was driving his car upon returning to White Wisteria

"Only admire my capabilities" he mumbled to his self as he listened to Herain's reaction from the moment she received the stuffed toy

That night, a call was made from a far away country

"What's up?, you rarely call me first and it's already at the middle of the night in your place there, must be something important" the person on the other end of the phone stated

"Let me borrow your villa in Greece for 2 days" Rhaveir responded in a reserved tone

"Sure, but what do you need it for?" he asked

"Business" he replied then immediately ended the call

The person on the other end of the phone was completely dumbfounded

"He hung up, is that how you supposed to treat your bestfriend?, he's still the same as ever" he exclaimed

The next morning, Herain woke up on a nice sunny day just to find out that she is going to Greece

"Why are we going to Greece?" she dumbfoundingly asked

"I have a business to attend and you'll be coming with me" he calmly replied

"What do you need me for in there? and how long do we stay there?" she inquired

Rhaveir folded his arms and glanced at her as he stated "Does a doll have any rights in continuously interrogating his master?"

'That's right I don't have any personal rights anymore and I am already his property plus I get to explore Greece' she thought to herself

"I'm sorry, then I'll get ready before you changed your mind" she responded immediately

Herain hastily walked to her room as she packed everything she need

She looked at her Rhavy (teddy bear) as she said "What a coincidence, I was having the urge to travel outside and it suddenly happen"

At Greece, 2pm

"Woahhh, this villa is so beautiful and it got a wonderful view too" Herain exclaimed in amazement

"We will return back Monday morning, the business meeting will start tomorrow evening" he calmly stated

"Is that so" she mindlessly replied as she was currently thinking of things she wanted to do

Seeing as the girl in front of him doesn't intend to say anything further, he cleared his throat as he said "I still have some time before the business meeting, do you want to do something?"

Herain was surprised by the sudden question and she gaze at him with delight

"Then, should we take a stroll in the street of Greece?" she happily inquired

"I'll go get the car, meet me outside" he stated as he grabbed the keys and left to the garage

At the market of Greece

Herain indulge herself in sightseeing and taking photos at the beautiful sceneries in Greece

She tried different kinds of streetfood and even made Rhaveir try some of them

"Is it delicious?" she cheerfully asked

Rhaveir just nodded his head and he took another bite on the food, Herain once again took a photo on the camera she brought

"Do you like it that much?" he asked

"I want to capture the memories, that's why I've been taking a lot of photos ever since we arrived at Greece" she responded with a smile on her face

Herain approached a random woman on the street as she politely said "Excuse me maam, would you be so kind as to take a photo of us"

"Sure, I'll be happy to" the random woman replied

Herain ran beside Rhaveir as she grabbed his arm and stood a distance away from the camera

Rhaveir was astonished by her sudden movements but he remained still as he gaze at her

"Oh my, what a beautiful couple you are" the woman exclaimed as she handed the camera over to Herain

Herain giggled as she said "I'm sorry to disappoint you maam but we are not a couple"

"The way I see it, is a lovely girl smiling cheerfully as she held the arms of the man she love and a handsome man adoringly gazing at the woman he cherish" the woman stated as she pointed at the captured photo

"Thank you maam, you portrayed it beautifully" Herain stated with a smile

After the woman walked away, Herain glanced at Rhaveir as she awkwardly chuckled and said "That woman thinks we're a match"

"You don't think like her?" he asked

She carefully studied his expression and trying to think for the suitable answer

"Aren't we just a doll and its master?" she stated

She always keep in mind her status and does not dare to try to cross the limitations in the contract he made

Rhaveir walked past her then stopped as he said "What else do you want to do?"

"Let's stop by at a dessert shop" she cheerfully replied

At a dessert shop

Herain once again took photos of the desserts with him in it then she happily savor the cakes Rhaveir ordered

"Have you been in Greece before?" he asked

"Nope, this is my first time and Greece is the number 1 place I wanted to travel, it's a joy that you also happen to have a business meeting here" she happily replied

Rhaveir grabbed the camera as he said "I'll take a photo of you too"

Herain put a smile on her face as she held the cake she ate then he clicked on the camera

"Thank you for bringing me here, I really enjoyed it" she sincerely stated as she gaze at him with a smile

His heart gradually warmed up seeing the girl's bright smile

"What do you want to do next?, I'm free till afternoon tomorrow" he casually stated

Herain was surprised and her heart was already jumping of joy

"Should we go to the beach tomorrow then?, I have only seen in photos the pure waters and beautiful vast sea here and I want to check it out" she happily said

"Alright, I'll find the most beautiful one" he calmly replied

"Should we go to the mall to buy a swimwear after this?" she asked

"Okay" he nodded in agreement

Then Herain was overjoyed and continued blissfully eating the desserts