Chapter 19

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You made your way to buy groceries. After buying them, you were walking to the bus stop but was dragged back by your arm by someone. You shook off their grip, but they didn't budge. With hands full of bags, you couldn't resist well.

However this girl was dragging you to a place with lesser people. Since it was a girl, you let down your guard for a bit and allowed her to take you somewhere. When she had taken you to a remote part of a place, she turned and pulled out a box cutter knife.

In an instant, you knew what that uneasiness was. She pointed the knife at your chest as she lets go of your arm. Although you really wanted to throw the bags at her, she would stab you before you had the chance.

"I don't have much cash on me if you wanted that. It's difficult being a college student too." You said as you looked at her expression.

She's full of animosity and jealousy. Her features were average, but her aura around her seemed innocent and pure. However, her eyes didn't look too friendly.

"Money? You think I'm after money? Are you crazy?" She said.

Crazy? No, what? She's the one that's being crazy right now. That man from earlier was probably one of her lackeys or something too. What did you do to make her like this? You don't even know her!

"I don't know what you're after, but look, life gets better. You don't have to-"

"Shut up! What do you know?!" She inched the knife forward until it touched your chest, "You've taken the one I loved and you still say that?!"

Hold up, girl! Say what?!

Judging from her appearance, she didn't seem older than you nor was she your age. A high schooler?

"I don't know what you mean." You said.

She unzipped your jacket and the blade touches your sweater underneath. She had a crazy smile as she looks up at you. As your hands start to tremble and your heart beats faster, you looked at her as calm as possible.

"If you died, he would return. Killua would return. Do you know how famous he is already despite not being on screen? He's the young heir from the Zoldyck's family." Her cold blade began to pierce through your sweater and shirt, ripping a hole in it, touching your skin. "I've been watching him since he first appeared at my party. Oh, his blue eyes that stared at me that day make my body trembled..."

She continue to speak about how she had met Killua at her birthday party. Never thinking that he would come, she sent an invitation regardless. From what she had said, it seemed like she was also from a wealthy family. Reporting her to the police probably won't have any effect since her family could bail her out. Having heard enough, you dropped your bags, about to run.

Hearing that you had dropped your bag, she stabbed the knife into your chest. The blade made its way into your flesh, and you pushed the girl to the ground. She fell to the ground butt first as the knife she held was still stuck in your chest.

It hurts like hell! Even drowning felt like a better option! Wtf!

It was hard to breathe, and you didn't know whether to pull out the knife or not. Regardless, you were angry of this stupid situation. You pulled out the knife, throwing it on the ground far away from her and crouched down next to her.

Grabbing her hair, you said, "Stop being petty. What do you know? Does he even know you? Sure, he went to your birthday that one time, but what about the year after that? Did he even speak to you other than congratulating you? You're being delusional."

Her eyes held a lot of hate, and honestly, it just looked ugly. She could get any guys if she tried hard enough with her aura around her, but this was going too far for ONE guy.

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