Chapter 43: Fate Of Kuroyuri

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3rd Person POV:

In the devastated ruins of Kuroyuri, Ruby and Jaune walk down the road, carrying Qrow on a stretcher with a limping Y/N close behind them.

Jaune: Oh, man.

Ruby: Come on.

They continue forward seeing the pure devastation in the village.

Ruby: Any of these places look like a pharmacy?

Y/N: I don't think so.

Jaune: It's...honestly hard to tell.

Ruby: Ren really didn't want to come here, did he?

Jaune: Uh...didn't seem so.

Ruby: Do you know...why?

Jaune: (sighs) I think I have a pretty good idea...

A Few Years Ago~

A pretty waterlily in full bloom floats on an aqueduct in the town center of Kuroyuri. Ren, as a child, looks eagerly at it with a smile.

An Ren: (laughing lightly) Why, hello, little Lie. Are we trying to catch a fish?

Ren: I've found a flower on the water!

An: Oh, I see!

Ren rushes over to his mother.

Ren: Can we take it home and plant it in the garden?

An: Oh no, sweetheart, that flower lives here.

Ren looks down dejectedly and An rubs his head.

An: But I'll tell you what you can do. Take this Lien and go find something nice for your father's return.

He's been hunting for quite some time. I bet that the journey's been very tiring, don't you?

Ren: (taking it) Yes.

An: Do you think you'll know what he wants?

Ren: I think... he wants a water flower in the garden!

An: (with a chuckle) Why did you have to inherit my sass?

She gives Ren a playful nudge forward as he runs off to find a gift for his father. He crosses the planks that serve as a bridge over the aqueduct. An watches him go with a smile.

Ren continues his journey before stopping at a weapons stand.

Ren: (Showing his Lien) What can I buy with this?

Young Blacksmith: (chuckling) Well, something just your size.

He holds up two small wooden weapons one being a broadsword and other being a hammer.

Ren looks down in disappointment at being unable to buy a new weapon for his father.

He next waits in line at a liquor merchant.

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