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Third Person

as rainn shot up, brett slowly woke up and looked at the girl through his blurry vision.

"are you okay?" he asked in a raspy voice.
"are you okay?" he repeated.
"y-yeah just uh, just a nightmare"

she turned back to him before burrying her head into his chest, his arm returning to their position around her.

later in the day, brett and rainn walked around in silence.

"you think their still after your pack?" she asked.
"who? hunters from the deadpool or?"
"hunters in general"
"i like to think their not but, truth is they probably are"
"i think you all will be fine"
"what if that virus is still out there? the one that killed my pack"
"well if it is then we should stock up on that tea or whatever"
"what if i do?"
"then i'll be with you the entire time... thank you for staying with me last night"
"it was no problem. your cute when your asleep"
"oh god"
"you were holding onto me for your life"
"you were warm and i was cold"
"it was cute, you slept like a baby"
"yeah until i woke up at 4 am"
"but then you went back to sleep"
"well yeah, you were comfy to lay on"
"so what? im your human body pillow now?"
"if you want to be"

they both laughed before continuing to walk together.

"did you hear that?" she asked.
"no? hear what?"
"i dont know it was like, like were not alone?"
"maybe its your brother"
"he's with malia"

as she finished that sentence, she saw an arrow fly through the air. he closed his eyes, something he always told lori to do when they were in danger. when he felt no pain, he opened his eyes to see rainn with her hand wrapped around an arrow with blood dripping off it. before she could fall, he grabbed her and softly set her down.

"rainn why would you do that?!" he asked through tears.
"brett it had wolfsbane on it, you wouldnt of made it"
"your human! no no no! you should be healing! if your supernatural then you should be healing!"
"brett, its okay. its fine, im fine"
"no your not, your dying and i cant do anything about it!"
"brett, you have to find the rest of your pack okay? keep them safe and get them out of here"
"no, no im not leaving you"
"please brett, im n-not gonna make it much longer and the h-hunter is after you"
"i dont care"
"please, save yourself"
"i cant! i cant leave you!"
"im gonna be okay" she said with tears in her eyes and he held her.
"please dont do this"
"hey, d-did you mean it?"
"what? mean what?" he asked as tears ran down his cheeks.
"when you said you were in love with me?"
"of course, i still am and i cant lose you. please rainn"

he watched as her eyes glowed for a second before her eyes fluttered closed as he yelled at the top of his lungs. he didnt even care that her eyes were glowing, he just wanted her to be alive.

as the hospital door opened, scott and melissa turned their heads to see brett carrying rainn's limp body. they rushed her into a room while scott stayed with brett, trying to calm him down.

within minutes, the whole hospital was alarmed as sheriff stilinski was on the floor yelling at the loss of his daughter with stiles sobbing in a car, malia trying to comfort him.

rosie, brett, scott, malia, lydia and stiles all sat in the room, staring at her body.

"call the vet" brett said out of nowhere.
"what?" scott asked, his voice shaking.
"when she took that arrow for me, she said it was laced with wolfsbane. when she died, her eyes glowed but shes not a werewolf or else she would have healed when i pulled it out" brett said through tears.
"so then what is she?"
"i dont know"

they called deaton as he was there within minutes, already examining over her.

"so explain to me what happened"
"we were walking in the woods and there was a hunter. i didnt hear it but she did and an arrow went off. i waited for it to hit me but the pain never came and thats when i saw her. i had to pull it out while she told me that it was laced with wolfsbane and thats why she did it. she risked her life for mine. she asked me a question and as i replied, her eyes glowed for a split second before she was gone"
"and she didnt heal?"
"no, no she didnt heal at all"
"i think i know what this is"
"wait what was the question?" stiles asked.
"she... she asked if i loved her... and i said yes then she was gone" brett replied as the room went quiet.

deaton used the flashlight to examine her eyes but saw nothing.

"wait could she be a banshee? the way she screamed in the woods-"
"no, i would be able to feel it" lydia interrupted malia.
"i see no glowing eyes, no fangs and no claws. i know what she is but i have feeling you all wont like this" deaton stated.
"what is she?"
"shes a nogitsune"

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