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Third Person

as the car sped towards them, coming faster and faster, lori and brett gripped each others hands tighter than ever before. they both closed their eyes as the light got closer.

"liam!" rainn's scream echoed through their heads as they opened their eyes to see liam jump out from the sewer.

just before the car hit, a glowing barrier emerged around them.

"get out of there!" she yelled while holding her hands out, her eyes glowing and her strength to hold up a barrier growing weaker.

she screamed in pain as the cars wheels spun faster and faster, slowly burning through her barrier. scott and malia ran up to grab brett, lori and liam before running off the road. just before she collapsed, the car broke through the barrier and she felt someone grab her.

as brett yelled from the other side of the road, they all looked over to see gerard with rainn.

"we need to go, now!" scott yelled.
"what about-"
"if we dont get brett to the hospital right now then he's dead!"

they ran until they found brett's car, lori searching his pockets until she grabbed his keys. she crawled in the back with brett and liam while malia drove and scott sat in the passengers seat.

"can someone explain what the hell just happened back there?!" malia asked.
"i-i dont know, we need to get brett to my mom" scott said.
"i've never seen someone use their hands like that other than lydia"
"yeah but she's a banshee, deaton said she was a nogitsune but not like void, she's a 'good' nogitsune"
"i dont know but that was awesome" liam said as everyone stared at him.

he quickly looked away before watching as they rolled up to the hospital. liam and lori each grabbed an arm and wrapped it around their shoulders before dragging brett inside.

"could you stop bleeding all over the floor?" malia asked.
"if i could, i would" he mumbled back, practically growling at her.
"mom!" scott yelled as she walked through the empty halls.

they quickly walked into the morgue where they laid brett on a table. melissa started mixing herbs before sucking it up in a syringe. she plunged the shot into his chest as purple goo started pouring out of his mouth from the wolfsbane. small puffs of purple dust evaporated into the air before the veins on brett's skin started disappearing.

"what would gerard want with rainn? she's not a werewolf" liam asked.
"yeah but she's still supernatural" scott stated.
"we just need to find her and get her out of there" malia said.
"we need to do it fast, monroe and gerard could be planning anything"

as rainn slowly opened her eyes, she saw gerard towering over her with a gun in his hands.

"a nogitsune huh? never seen one use so much power" he taunted.
"how did you do it?" he asked curiously as she stared at him.
"didnt your father teach you how to answer a question? how did you do it?"
"i dont know" she said lowly.
"yes you do"
"no, i dont"

he pushed the gun to her head, holding it steadily while readjusting his grip on the trigger.

"no teenage girl should be able to hold that much power"
"its not like i asked to be like this"
"then i guess i should just end it, correct?" he threatened, his voice raising.
"please what?"
"i dont wanna be afraid anymore!"
"i think deaths a little to kind for you" he stated before knocking her out.

he searched his bunker to find a special type of poison, the only one able to keep her down.

"you all need to be smart about this" melissa said.
"we cant get to her" scott whispered.
"the only person who has a connection with her is stiles and he's not here. we cant just call him and take him away from something that he's enjoying"
"thats not entirely true" brett said.
"rainn, she's rosie's anchor.. and mine"
"so we need to find rosie then. the two of you together should lead us right to her"
"then what do we do? just walk into a room full of hunters? their trained with an army out to get us. look, their already trying to expose us"
"we'll get to that once we know exactly where she is"

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