exiled part 2.

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"Tubbo?" Someone prodded his shoulder. "Mate, are you okay? Been drinking or some shit? Wake up." Tubbo groaned, neck aching. He opened his eyes reluctantly, vision bleary. He could see two figures standing over him. "He's 16, why would he be drinking?"
"Why wouldn't you be drinking?"
Tubbo blinked repeatedly, his vision clearing. He slowly lifted his head away from the forest floor, turning his body with his head to face the two figures. Lazarbeam and Vikkstar.

Lazar crouched beside Tubbos feet, Vikk stood behind him, arms crossed. Vikkstar sighed, a relief filled exhale. Tubbo sat up slowly, rubbing his eyes. Sleep dust crusted where he felt his face grow wet the day before. His throat was dry and he suddenly felt a growing uncomfort. He squinted slightly in the sunlight.

"Oi mate, pres, you good?" The familiar austrailian accent warmed him slightly but he felt the freezer door shut tight on him again. Tubbo looked at Vikkstar to Lazar, and back again. His eyes locked to the ground and he started to remember what happened. His breathing slowly began to shake and become shallow with every thought. His ears were unhearing, head growing sore and feeling as if stuffed with cotton. He held his hands out in front of him, watching as they shuddered in front of him. His ear started ringing, vision blurred slightly and slowly tinting orange.

He could barely hear anything that was going on around him, sounds being muffled and shunned by his thoughts. For some odd reason, he couldn't escape the lock of his shaking fingers. Tubbos whole body was shaking fiercefully. The noises grew louder-

"TUBBO!" A hand was planted on his shoulder, shaking him lightly. He snapped his head upwards, taking heaving breathes. Suddenly, he felt mentally drained. Lazarbeam and Vikkstar watched him with cautious eyes, worrying behind them. "Do you-" Vikk stopped himself, choosing his words carefully. "Do you want us to bring you back to L'Manberg?"

"No." Tubbo answered quickly. Vikk looked at Lazar, who shrugged in response. Lazarbeam stood and held a hand out to Tubbo, who hesitated but took it. He steadied himself against the dark wood of a spruce tree, the world spinning for a minute. He let out a shuddering breath.
Tubbo looked at Vikk and Lazar who watched him with careful and skeptical eyes. Lazar rolled his eyes and grabbed Tubbos shoulder lightly. "Can't hide out here forever," he smiled slightly. Vikkstar walked a few feet before turning back to them. "Let's go to Boomerville,"


Techno sharpened his sword, away from everything else happening in the world. He adjusted his mask, shifting to a more comfortable position. The soft scrunching of footsteps grew closer and stopped dead behind him. He sighed, turning around. The eyes that were once blue were now just a greyed, dusty version of what they used to be. Techno gasped. Tommys wide eyes stared straight at him, his hair messy and dirty. He didn't have his bandana.

He stared, not quite trusting his eyes. He looked around, confused. He looked back at him. "Tommy?" The boy nodded, unblinking. Techno shivered, then recoiled a little when be saw the crude smile tape to Tommys face. This isn't- Tommy suddenly straightened, a few inches shorter than him. Technoblade looked around again. "How-"
"Brothers intuition," Tommy stated plainly, the words not disturbing his smile or unblinking stare. Techno let.free a sharp, short and thin exhale. "Well, then.. what do you need?"

Tommys smile grew wider and colder. "Glad you asked, Blade,"
The blonde skipped past Techno, stopping at the door. He knocked, turning to Techno. The pigman walked over and opened it. Tommy stepped inside without hesitation, snooping through the chests. Techno closed the door, watching him closely. Tommy swung around in a sweeping step, his eyes red and bloodshot, Techno now realized. When did he last blink?- While Techno was caught up in his thoughts, he hadn't realized Tommy had gone upstairs.

discontinued. tommyinnit & tubbo one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now