Gathering information

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~ Chapter 20 ~

  (Joker's POV)

 I went and unlocked the door and stepped into my house. I walked to the counter and heard some cracking under my feet. What is this?! I moved my feet and found the phone I gave Eva. I picked it up and it was smashed. I looked next to me and found Harley's room door opened. I walked in and didn't find Angel or her clothes. I went to the dresser and found nothing. I opened the drawers next to her bed and found her notepad. 

I took it out and scanned around the house finding no sign of her. I stormed by her room to my office when I found her window opened. I rushed to it and cursed as I punched the pane. I went to my office and opened the drawer. I was gonna try gathering the last data saved on the phone.

I ran through the drawers on my left and couldn't find anything. I grumbled getting frustrated. I yanked the one of the right and found a paper on the laptop. I got them out and opened the paper. It was a note from Eva.

 ' I'm leaving. Hopefully I'd be long gone by the time you read this. Congratulations, you broke me.. and to think I trusted you, quiet funny actually. I even fell for you. But when you got kidnapped by Batman I went into a frenzy to try and get you back, and I've succeeded. But through this process I've found your true colours. The ones you never shared with me.The ones you never wore out. I've opened up to you, numerous times. God I must've sounded so stupid. Pouring my heart out.. you were probably bursting with laughter on the inside. I just tried to be there for you, I wanted you to open up, but there was no deeper side to you. Just a broken, bitter, resentful murderer. While saving you I heard your little chat with Batman. I'm just grateful I know now before having lost more. Guess I'm just "another psychotic bitch" who's willing to help or "that girl from the asylum". But to me you were one of the first people who listened or at least pretended to. Were. Now you're nothing more than another asshole. Please don't try to look for me, you'd think I suffered enough. Thanks for making me feel special, at least for a few weeks. I have to go now, best wishes for your next ' surprise' - E. Striker '

 I paced around the room reading the note and by the end I found myself yelling as my fist met the wall. I limped over to the desk and opened the computer. 

"Come on! Come on! COME ON!" I gritted at the piece of metal.

"Okayy..okay." I tried to calm myself down and logged into the phone tracker. I ran my fingers through my hair quickly as it loaded.

"Yes okay go!!" I yelled when it said the data didn't have time to transfer since the phone crashed. I rubbed my hands on my face getting more and more frustrated.

I found myself yelling standing over the desk which I had just knocked over. I went over to the garage and slammed the door. I got my gun out and shot the ceiling a couple times, gaining the attention of my mindless goons.

"John get inside." I growled.

I walked in and he followed me. I tried to keep calm as I turned to him.

"Okayy.. okayy okay I- I know I know that y-you know where she is-" I laughed in the middle trying to calm my madness down.

"Now tell me where.. where where is she huh?! where is she?!!!" I yelled the last part getting closer to his face.

"I don't know she never came out! She was in her room all day. How am I supposed to know?! ." John shrugged.

"Well she got out of her window smartass! Now, did she tell you where she was going?!" I grabbed his shirt.

"No calm down! Jesus! Try asking Riddler or somethin' man I do not know, okay." He said.

I thought about killing him but I didn't have time for that. I grabbed his jacket and searched for a phone and pulled it out. I entered Riddler's number and dialed him. I calmed down and maintained my voice.

"Hey John." Riddler answered.

"Nigma." I said.

"Joker, well hello.. Are you in trouble again?" He sounded amused.

" No, I just lost something of mine and I'd like to reclaim it." I spoke into the phone.

"She's not here Joker." He replied after a short pause.

"I wasn't asking if she was with you, but do you know where she is?" I questioned him.


"DON'T LIE TO ME! Edward.. we're all good friends here.." I spoke the last part calming down again

"I told you. I don't know where she is. Jack." He said mimicking my last tone.

"Well if you won't co-operate, I'm sure I'll find someone else who will. Good day Nigma." I said with a grimace before hanging up.

I didn't know who else to call, I didn't know what else to do. I hated this! That's why I didn't want to get involved with her in the first place! She drew me in. I couldn't stop it. Love is weakness, and with her I'm the weakest I've ever been.

I ran through everything in the house. Nothing. The only person she's met is Riddler. I've searched the room for clues but nothing. It was outrageous. I downed some tequila before going to my office. I wanted to lay on my couch but on my way there I stumbled on her notebook. I decided I'd read what she's wrote down there.

Most of the pages were drawings. Some said what she felt. I made her go through a lot of pain. More than she deserved. But I still don't forgive her for leaving. She promised she wouldn't leave. I flipped through some more pages, some were about the times she went out by herself. I read some of them and read about her meet up with Poison Ivy and visiting her apartment. She's probably staying with her. I continued reading and found an address and a phone number. That's it! That was the missing piece!


Alright! Last update for the day! More to come tomorrow!

Hope you guys liked this one!

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Much love xxxx

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