Stop being a dick

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Ian and Mickey were laying down at the old abandoned building they adapted to due to their parents. Ian had his head laying lightly against mickeys chest. The air was crisp and the perfect weather to be laying outside. Winter was just around the corner neither will admit they are scared for winter. Winter means barley anytime outside which means they'll have to find a place inside by themselves.
" I don't want to go home."
Ian said slightly moving up to look at mickey.
" well sorry to ruin the moment but my ass is starting to hurt and not in the good way."
Mickey and Ian both looked at each other and laughed. The good kind of laugh that fills in your stomach and makes you feel warm and  soft.
"Look man I need to tell you something" Mickey looks at Ian starting to move into a sitting position.
"Is something wrong" Ian always starts sitting up trying to touch mickeys hand but he moves his hand away.
"I um...shit, I need to leave"
"What!" Ian says in fear
"Look yesterday when I left to go pick you up from the club. Apparently someone say me and told my dad. He freaked the fuck out and told me to leave town or he'll find out who I was there to meet."
Ian looks at Mickey with tears in his eyes
Surprising Mickey and even himself Ian laughs.
"Your not actually going to leave right haha"
Mickey says nothing as ian slowly stops laughing his face becoming somber.
" you're leaving me?"
"Ian It's to keep you safe I hope you know that"
"How the hell are you going to keep me safe by leaving me!"
Ian stands up in anger and sadness. Mickey follows him.
" Ian the fuck is wrong with you! I'm the one leaving stop being a dick. I know it sucks but this is to keep you safe asshole!"
Ian just stands at him silent tears falling down his face.
"L-let me come with you" Ian walks forward to grab his hand. Mickey hesitates but grabs his hand pushing Ian toward his chest and holding him tight.
"You know that's not safe. I have a plan though"
Ian looks at Mickey lowering his head to look into his blue eyes.
"  I'm leaving alone, but when I think it's safe I'll come and find you I promise."
" Mickey, please don't"
"Ian you know it's the only way you think I haven't spent hours thinking about this."
Ian made a huff of annoyance and grabbed on to Mickey tighter
" I'm sorry Mickey"
"About what you haven't done shit?"
" about not going to listen to you"
"What? Ian what are you talking about"
" I'm coming with you-"
" not your not"
"Or I'm going to Terry myself"
Mickey has never thought about that happening and a chill went through his body now full with fear.
" Ian don't fucking joke"
"I'm not joking I'll do it I'll go to him right now"
Ian started walking away and fast. Mickey ran toward him and grabbed his hand tighter than he wanted. He did feel bad about that.
"Ian I'm not letting you get fucking killed. Fine get your shit packed I'll be outside your back door at 2 am don't be late."
Ian and Mickey wouldn't admit this made them both feel awful and amazing at the same time. Taking danger by the ass.
Mickey starts to walk away slowly as Ian walks the opposite way. Both of them swear everything goes right but again it's Ian and Mickey so who the hell knows.

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