I need help

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(WARNING blood, violence homophobia)

As the night progressed the colder it got outside making Ian start to shiver as he waits for Mickey. Ian hears movement towards him and turns hoping to see Mickey only to be faced with the man he is running away from.
Ian starts to walk backward only to be stopped by the porch.
" aids monkey I'm gonna fucking kill you for what you did to my son"
Ian looks confused for a minute then looks back at terry.
" me!?! Mickey has always been gay I didn't do shit"
Terry starts walking faster toward Ian cornering him.
" thats where your wrong Mickey was a fag until you showed up and had him put a dick in ya"
Ian despite himself starts laughing like crazy.
" you think mickeys a top hahahaha"
This causes terry to growl and hit Ian so hard in the face he saw stars as pain went through his face to his head. Ian tries to throw a punch but misses as he can't see that well only to be punched in the gut and thrown to the ground below him knocking the wind out of him.
Ian starts to here yelling around him but can't seem to truly process what is happening. All of a sudden Ian feels hands around him as he tries to fight them off only to here a firmilar voice.
" Fire crotch it's okay it's me I'm here"
Ian stops fighting and squints his eyes to look at Mickey. Mickey has a gash on his forehead but besides that looks pretty good. He always looks good ian thinks.
" shit I'm so sorry I thought he was drunk passed out somewhere I didn't know he would go looking for you"
" where is he" Ian says starting to try and push himself up.
" hey man take it easy. He left after I got him in the face pretty good it should give us some time."
Mickey puts his hands carefully under Ian's arms and helps him up standing. Mickey is know taking half of Ian's weight on him. They slowly walk together till Mickey opens a car door and helps Ian in. Ian almost immediately slumps in the car. He's okay but those few good hits really got him.
" wait w-who's car is this mick"
Mickey looked at him and flashed the perfect don't get mad smile.
" I um found it"
Ian laughs lightly knowing what Mickey means by this.
" look man it's just until we have our spot and we'll keep switching over different cars so we'll be fine"
Ian nods his head as Mickey keeps talking.
All of a sudden a crash in the back of the car is heard Ian turns his head to see Mickey throwing cds around the car.
" they have shit taste in music man"
Ian doesn't respond this time as he's getting sleepy from the night he just had.
" look man go hit the hay or some shit and I'll wake you up when I need to. Don't worry this was the hard part."
Ian soon let's darkness takes him as he allows sleep to take him. But not before he hears Mickey whisper.
" I'm sorry I was late I won't let no one hurt you again"
Ian no matter the pain he felt fell asleep with a smile on his face.

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