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I still had a fair amount of money in my gringotts account. Changing the money into U.S. dollars, I found an apartment that was comfortable and affordable. Now, all is left is to find a job. I searched the web for suitable jobs, Malfoy Industries. Malfoy has a company? In the muggle world no less. Applying for the job as his assistant.

 Applying for the job as his assistant

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Draco POV
"Mr. Malfoy? Someone has filled the spot of being your assistant." Alicia, my secretary called.

I found the application online and my eyes bulged. Granger applied for the job? What was she even doing here anyways? I heard that she and weasel were getting married and that she had a fine job a the ministry. She would be a good assistant though. I asked Alicia to forward an email, she has got the job.

 I asked Alicia to forward an email, she has got the job

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Ms. Granger,
You are now the assistant of mister Malfoy, we look forward to seeing you on Monday.

Alicia, Malfoy Industries.

I've gotten the job? Well I guess Malfoy has changed. I decided to go out to a nearby cafe when a voice greeted me.

"Hermione?" I whipped around, surprised to find a childhood bully. Pansy Parkinson.

"Parkinson, fancy seeing you here." She smiled at me.

"It's actually Nott, now." Pansy corrected, "What are you doing in America? I heard that you and Weasley are getting married." I flinched at the mention of Ron.

"Relationship is over now." I mumbled. I was surprised to see Pansy in a muggle community and her acting nice to me.

"Pans I got your mocha-GRANGER?" I was greeted by the sight of Theo, Blaise, Astoria, and another that if I were to say surprised, it would be an understatement.

"Luna? What you doing here." I asked the dreamy girl that I remembered from school.

"I married Blaise shortly after the war, me and the Slytherins were secret friends since 6th year." Luna replied, but Blaise looked very nervous.

"Blaise are you alright? You look rather pale." I glanced at his face and found that there was sweat trickling down his forehead.

"Blaise tell her, she can handle it.'' Luna chided her husband.

"Can we talk in a more secluded area, I cant really talk about this in front of muggles." He said, looking around.

"Let's go to my place, its only a block from here.'' I told him.

"Uh, how do I say this?" Blaise was pacing back and forth in front of me

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"Uh, how do I say this?" Blaise was pacing back and forth in front of me. "I'm just going to say it, your not a Granger." I stared at him for a long time, their wasn't a hint of humor on his face.

"What do you mean by I'm not a Granger." I was confused with the whole concept. I was able to return the memories to my parents and they never said anything.

"Just ask about the necklace, Blaise." Pansy interrupted. Blaise fished a necklace out of his back pocket, and it was shining. His necklace looks almost identical to the one my parents gave me on my 10th birthday. I touched the piece of jewelry on my neck and took it off. It was shining as well.

"What is this supposed to mean?" I asked, demanding for answers.

"Everyone has heard the story of the lost Zabini right?" We all nodded. It was a famous tale spotlighting the Zabini's about how they had to give up their daughter to protect her from Voldemort. Since Voldemort was going to kill every girl from a pure blood family. No one has seen her ever since and most think that she's dead.

"W-well wh-what I'm trying to s-say is, t-that's you." He stuttered. I did the first thing that i thought of to get answers.

Ring! Ring! Ring! My parents were one of the only people that can answer my question.

"Darling? Why have you called?" I heard my mom's voice at the other end of the receiver.

"Am I the lost Zabini?" I asked.

"W-what?" My mom sounded surprised, the she sighed. "Yes you are."

"I am the lost Zabini?"

"Let me tell you the story of how we got you Hermione."

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