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"We're skipping it right?! I mean it's not like it's mandatory?" Draco exclaimed.

"Of course it isn't mandatory, but McGonagall seems to really want us there." Blaise said with an eye roll, passing the letter to me and Draco.

"Maybe it would be a good idea to go." Luna piped in, "Its been years since we saw our old classmates."

"Did you forget some of us are the kids of former death eaters!" Draco exclaimed again, this time with a slight change in pitch.

"Love, that was nearly two decades ago." I told him, enunciating the "two decades" for effect. "I'm sure people in Hogwarts don't care anymore."

"We can vouch for that." Harry said with Ginny nodding next to him.

"The bias of former Death Eaters are, of course, still there but the majority of the Wizarding World couldn't care less." Ginny added.

"Of course Ronald and Lavender are highly biased." Harry rolled his eyes, "It's incredibly annoying how Ronald brags so much about he and Lavender's survival in the war."

"Didn't Mione save Lavander's sorry ass and Ron's" Pansy laughed.

"Oh yes I did, and starting to regret that choice." I joked, well mostly.

"Soo...we're going to that reunion after all?" Cho asked, clearly as hesitant as all the Slytherins were.

"It seems so." Draco mumbled.

"So how about the arrival of a formerly dead twin." Fred sauntered into the living room, late as usual.

"Wow, look who decided to finally show up." Marcus teased.

"You can blame Brooke for that, she accidentally burned the kitchen down." Fred said, in such a casual tone that we couldn't tell if he was joking until we said Brooke covered in soot.

"Dear Merlin what happened!?" Daphne rushed to her to check for any burns or sign of injury.

"Relax guys everything's fine I wanted to make something to eat, but this prankster husband of mine replaced the flour with some kind of powder that caused a huge fire." Brooke glared at Fred, who was trying very hard to hide behind Marcus.

"I was testing out a new formula love, I didn't know you were going mistake it for flour." Fred replied meekly.

"Brooke you are more than welcome to murder Fred later, but right now we need to figure out the situation of Hogwarts Reunion." I told them, buying some time for Fred and letting Brooke cool down.

"So we need a plan for how we are going to reveal ourselves." Draco said.

"I think McGonagall has a plan for that." Harry told everyone, passing a separate letter over to us, the whole group crowding around to read what it says.

"Apparently she has planned for a special visitor to speak at the reunion, no question of who that is." Blaise side-eyed me.

"But does she know about Fred." I asked.

"I don't think so...she knows about you because that spell you put on your parents wore off and they told McGonagall." Ginny said.

"Oh right I forgot to re-cast the spell." I muttered, "At least it lasted far longer than I expected."

"Maybe we should write to McGonagall about Fred?" Brooke asked.

"But that would ruin the reveal." Fred whined, wanting to see the reactions of the current Headmistress and our former classmates.

"All right then so should we get going to London?" Ginny asked. "It would be a good idea for us to go to Diagon Alley to see George and tell him about his twin."

"Is Georgie still running the store?" Fred asked, wanting to see his brother after so long.

"Yep! The business is going amazing with the help of Angelina and their son, Fred, named after you." Harry answered, earning a sentimental smile from Fred.

"So where should we stay?" Ginny asked, "I highly doubt me and Harry's house is large enough to fit us all."

"We can use the Zabini vacation house." Blaise suggested. "It's still well hidden and spacious."

"Is the floo system here connected to the Zabini house?" Daphne asked, glancing over at the shiny new floo system Draco installed lasted week.

"Yep!" I answered, "Tested it out yesterday, it works!"

"Well let's get going!" Luna squealed, obviously she was excited for this reunion.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2022 ⏰

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