Chapter Eight

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hey guys!!!! we made it to the wahts hot list, even if it is only like #717. But YAY! here's another chapter to celebrate! ps- YES IT'S SHORT


Chapter Eight

          "Hey, Cayleb?" Derek asks, me sitting in his lap on the couch.


          "Can Ellie wear my jersey since...," Derek trails off.

          "Yeah, yeah, definitely, I don't want anybody's mine," he nods, almost grateful.

          "Good," Derek rubs my stomach gently, almost scratching it, but in a soothing manner.
          "Why do you always rub my stomach?" I ask, "It's not like it's even big, just a small bump."

          "I don't know, I guess, I'm trying to grasp the fact that there's a baby in there," he looks at me confused, "If it bothers you, I can stop..."

          "No, it's fine, kind of comforting, actually," I say, and he smiles.

          "Mm, good," he kisses my cheek. We turn our attention to the TV, and I fall asleep in Derek's warm arms.

          I felt myself being lifted, and carried into another room. He sets me down on my bed, and unties my shoes. He takes them off and sets them on the floor. I stand up and hug him.

          "Goodnight, beautiful," he whispers and then leaves. I take off my jeans, and hop in bed. I roll over and lay on the pillow that smells like Derek. I toss and turn, but I can't fall asleep. I get up, and walk to Derek's room.

          "Derek?" I whisper.

          "Come here," he whispers. I walk over to his bed, and he scoots over, giving me room to lie down. I lie down beside him, and he pulls me close, his stomach pressed against mine.

          "Goodnight, beautiful," he whispers, and kisses me on the cheek.

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