Back To Church

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"M- Mom... Dad..." Tanya whispered. 

"We're here, honey. It's okay." The lights were blinding. Her back felt like it had been broken.  

"What happened..." She asked. She winced, wishing she were still asleep. 

"Sweetheart, you don't remember?" Her mother asked.

"No...I don't. Wait..." Scenes of flashing lights, and blurred faces were coming back to her. 

"Oh...yeah," She whispered. " Danny coming?" Tanya asked.  

"He's on his way right now. You just relax." Her father said.

"How bad is it..." Tanya asked.

"We don't know, honey. The doctor hasn't gotten the test results yet," Her mother said. Tanya winced again. A few minutes later, Danny walked through the door. His face was red.

Stephanie followed. "Stephanie? Aren't you supposed to be at home?" Tanya's mother asked.

"Yes, but I had to come. I couldn't sit at home while my best friend was in the hospital." She said.

The next day, they got the results.

"I hate to be the one to tell you this...but...she'll never walk again." The doctor said. Tanya gasped.

"What?" Tanya said, her eyes tearing up. She would never cheer again. She would never even stand up again. She found herself asking God why. Why He let this happen.

After a few weeks in the hospital, she was finally able to go home. She had to do school online, she couldn't miss it. Even though a lot of times she didn't feel like it. Her bedroom was moved downstairs. Her Bible sat on her nightstand where it usually did. She had received emails from some of her elderly church family, telling her they were praying for her. Church was tomorrow, and there was no way she was missing it. Danny went to the same church as she did. That's actually where they met.

The next day, she dressed in her usual, a summer dress and her hair up in a bun. She had to have help since she couldn't stand up. Her parents had to work, so Danny took her to church. She was silent on the way there.

"Babe, you okay? You're awfully silent." Danny said.

"Yeah...just in a little pain." Tanya said. Danny pulled into the church parking lot, and helped Tanya out of the car.

"You alright?" He asked.

"Yeah." Tanya said. Stephanie was already there. They stayed in the back row, waiting for some of her elderly friends to come in. She kept her head down until someone tapped her on the shoulder.

"Tanya? Hey! Good to see you!" The man said.

"You too, Bruce! How are you?" She asked. She tried to hide her pain.

"Oh, I'm doing alright. Glad to have you back in church." He said. She nodded. She talked to many other people, none of which prodded her with questions. The message was good, about thanking God even in the hard times. 

*Not part of the story!* 

You know that feeling when you go to church and the message is specifically about what you're going through? It's a sign. God is with you. Thanks for reading! Next part will be coming soon! 

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