Chapter 17

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*Wheein POV*

Well we are back to school, and I was happy because I get to see Hwasa. I had to avoid her due to the "incident" I did. It was selfish but sometimes I overthink without thinking.

We went to our usual spot during lunch and we were siting in a circle, when Dami and Byul stand up and started to wrestle.

"What the Fuck you morons doing," Solar asked.

"We, ahh hehe you lil, we are playing because we are bored," Moonbyul said grabbing Dami by her leg and push her down. "WOOOO I win."

"Augh, again. Ya, why don't y'all play," Dami said grabbing Byul by her waist. I saw YooA and Seulgi stand up and started to wrestle, while Solar went to join YooA and Seulgi to win. Me and Hwasa stayed in our spot watching them.

"GOOO WHOEVER WINS," I heard Hwasa. I just laughed. "Wheein, give me your arm."

"Ehh, why," I said hiding my arm, but she grabbed, and I looked away.

"I told you to stop, why haven't you stop."

"Because, but don't worry. I promise I won't do it again.," and she just nodded. Me and her decide to join because we were bored, until the bell rang.

We were getting ready to go to class, and I grabbed Hwasa backpack and went to the class. We were waiting outside the reading class waiting for the teacher, and I heard Seulgi talk.

"AAww look, Mrs. Lang is pregnant."

"Aww. Oh Wheein, thank you for brining me my bag," she said grabbing her bag. She got her bag and grabbed her perfume and started to spray; she passed the perfume down to the girls then me, but I told her I already put some. She went up me and looked at me straight in my eyes.

"Why are you blushing?" she said still looking at me.

"Ehh, I'm not. C'mon the teacher is here." I couldn't stop thinking about what she said.Those she likes me or not. 

A/N- well this chapter was crappy but some sadly news is that this story is about to end only 3 more chapter and boom, but let me remind y'all this story is about Wheein POV in high school. Thx U.

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